Wild Night [Hidan] for Kiyomu Ryuu Fukuda 竜

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"What the hell kind of piss-poor excuse for a mission is this?" Hidan growled. Gulping down the remains of his drink the young man slammed the glass down on the table with force, causing it to tremble.

"We have our orders," Fae stated.

"No, you have a debt to pay off," a finger pointed at her, "and that's the only way you're getting out of this mess. Damn Kakuzu and his fucking money. That's the only reason why he's not here."

"Keep it down," she groaned. Sure, the two were stationed in a bar-club atmosphere, but any louder was going to draw unwanted attention to the obnoxious criminal.

"Don't fucking tell me what to do, bitch." Fae's brows narrowed in warning, causing him to smirk. "What? Did I hit a nerve?"

"It would be wise of you to keep your mouth shut."

"Well, well, well, I did, didn't I?" Hidan leaned forward to rest both elbows on the table and lean over. "What's the matter? A childhood bully not play fair? Or was it a dysfunctional household?"

Fae leaned forward as well, her once calm aura more dangerous and threatening. "I know you're immortal, but that won't stop me from attacking."

"I'd like to see you try."

With lightning speed, the young woman stuck a kunai into the wood with a firm grip ready to strike again. "I think I'll go for your tongue first. Keep it as my prize."

Hidan had to admit he was pleasantly amused. This timid, introverted thief wasn't as innocent as she appeared. There was a danger lurking beneath the surface, and now the criminal understood why Leader wouldn't kill Fae... just yet that is. She was useful after all. It turned him on.

"Don't question me, but do as I say, got it?"

The young woman's expression never wavered, having sensed the impending danger when their fight first began. Fae had already begun ducking into the booth when his lips parted in warning, scythe flying overhead and decapitating the enemy. Screams pierced the air over the music, the thief watching the running feet from under the table.

"Huh, looks like you can take direction, bitch."

Fae immediately shot up removing the weapon still stuck in the table and threw it. The kunai struck the Akatsuki member in the throat and caused his body to pitch forward trying to breathe.

"Your throat will do just fine as a replacement for your tongue."

"Damn... you..." it came out as a gurgle from the blood. The weapon had embedded in deep, having to jiggle the handle in an attempt to free the metal. Damn it hurt!

But Fae did not forget the objective, unhooking the battle-axe at the waist and stopping the enemy's partner from attacking. The dueling blade proved its use slicing through the remaining targets and staining the booths and floor red with blood.

Hidan finally managed to remove the kunai, pressing a hand to the gushing wound until the skin healed itself. Glancing up he was surprised to see the mission completed, Fae flicking the battle-axe to the side so excess blood remove itself from the blades. "Don't test me, Hidan. Otherwise, you could end up like them." The criminal had no idea that one word would turn her into an axe-wielding murderer. "Oh, and don't think I'll be retuning to base with you. I know what waits there behind your secret door and I'm not dying today. I repaid my debt, so if you would kindly relay that information to your Leader then I won't leave you in a pile of body parts."

The young man watched as Fae rushed out the front door and disappeared, grunting when attempting to lunge and stop the thief. Grumbling to himself, the criminal rummaged through his pockets looking for something to stanch the flow, only to realize that his money pouch was missing. Brows narrowing he wondered for a moment where he had it last, remembering having it to pay for their admission inside. Only then did he realize the young woman had swiped it. Grinning sadistically, Hidan gripped his weapon and stood moving towards the door.

He was in for a fun night of hunting. In fact, Hidan might even keep her for himself. The possibilities of subjecting Fae to his own form of punishments made him more excited. He couldn't wait to get started.

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