Speak Up [Suigetsu] for Animelover4396 aka Gwen Ikeno-Fox

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"You shouldn't let Karin get to you." The Water Ninja peeked down at the girl walking at his side. Sasuke had sent the two out to scout the area, though the real reason Uli was with the swordsman was because there had been tension within the group. Being the newest addition to the team a few months ago, the girl stuck close to Sasuke's side because she was trying to learn as much as she could in terms of tactics and how everyone functioned. Obviously, Karin was not okay with that, verbally attacking the ninja without hesitation and whenever she could. Though Uli never said anything back really, but it was obvious the sensor was blowing everything out of proportion. The teen didn't even show a remote interest in the rogue.

"I don't," she answered softly.

He cocked a brow. "Really? You look about ready to cry every time she yells at you."

"It only startles me." She glanced up at the young man. "She's a little possessive over him, isn't she?"

Suigetsu chuckled. "Something like that."

Her brows furrowed. "But he's not even remotely interested in her."

The young man couldn't help but laugh at the statement. "Try saying that to her face. She nearly tore my arms off when I tried."

"Guess it's a good thing you can turn your body into water then."

Uli was a mystery. Her skills were in tracking and spying. But other than that he had yet to see the girl in action on the field. Kind of like Karin, who wasn't a fighter, and they knew it. Yet based on the array of weapons in the pouch attached to a hip and the slight definition of muscles on both exposed arms he could tell she had her fair share of battles.

"Should we head back?" Suigetsu asked.

She looked at him questioningly. "Why?"

"Because we're done."

"But we're being followed." His brows rose in surprise. "Have you not noticed? It's been going on for ten minutes."

"What's their distance?"

"A quarter of a mile southeast."

"Stay here." The Water Ninja moved into the trees, Uli rocking on the balls of her feet in wait. A cry sounded from the undergrowth and Suigetsu showed up minutes later. "It was a Cloud Ninja."

"He's pretty far from the Land of Lightning."

"Must've been going home or heading towards a mission." She hummed in agreement. "How did you know?"

"I could feel the forest being disturbed."

"Is your other chakra element Earth, by any chance?"


He snickered. "You're just full of surprises."

The two continued their pleasant talk during the walk back to camp, Karin's head instantly snapping up at their arrival and shuffling towards an uncaring Sasuke would was sharping his kunais. "Anything to report?" He barely even stole them a glance as they stopped right beside him.

"Uli tracked a ninja from the Land of Lightning, but I took care of him."

"Good." The redhead's glare was piercing, staring at the girl with hatred. "Karin, stop glaring at Uli. She didn't do anything."

"Don't be fooled, Sasuke!" she snapped. "She's just waiting until I turn my back and then will pounce on you!" The sensor got right up in Uli's face. "I know the real reason you agreed to join our little group. You can trick everyone else here, but not me. And when I catch you, you'll be sorry-!" Uli flicked Karin's forehead so hard her head snapped back. "What the hell?" she shrieked.

The Mist Ninja grabbed the front of her shirt, throwing the girl through the air before slamming Karin into the ground. "You have some nerve threatening me," Uli said. Her voice was very dark, startling everyone in the group. It even caused Sasuke to look up in interest. "I do not like your Sasuke. Nor will I ever. He's not my type. So I am kindly asking that you stop accusing, threatening, and insulting me whenever you feel like it. I was being nice before. Now you've forced my hand." A shock of chakra ran through the sensor's body, making her nervous. Her levels were off the charts. "Do I make myself clear?"

All Karin could do was nod at a loss for words. Uli let go, suddenly turning shy and shuffling away. The males' stared at her retreating figure in shock, Sasuke chuckling in amusement and satisfaction. Finally breaking out of his daze, Suigetsu followed. He found the ninja perched on a rock around the bend, coming up beside her. He reached over, ruffling the girl's hair. "You did the right thing." The Water Ninja sat down. "Karin had it coming. I'm just glad you did something before I did because I know Jugo wouldn't dare speak his mind and Sasuke wouldn't want to bother with her anymore than he has to."

"I don't care if she has her own opinion of me. Just don't voice it. I don't want to hear it."

"Well after that little display, I'm sure you won't." They sat in a comfortable silence for a while. "You don't like Sasuke, do you?"

Uli appeared startled by the comment. "No. Never. Why would you still say that?"

He shrugged. "Just about every girl he meets throw themselves at him. So it's a little odd when you find someone who does not like him."

She leaned over, kissing him quickly. "I don't like him." Suigetsu smirked.

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