Captured [Kakuzu] for Miku

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Nadiya growled to herself in anger and irritation. How she had fallen for this trap was beyond her. This wasn't her first rodeo, but she had walked right into it like a rookie. Such a mistake could get anyone killed. The woman was just hoping today wasn't her last.

Wrists adjusting, she felt the things wrapped around the area of skin, the tight hold digging in. What it was, the ninja did not fully know and with the darkness in the room figuring anything out about the surroundings were near impossible. Reaching for a weapon was out of the question, and trying to pull her legs out wasn't possible either for they too were held in place. The only thing the woman was sure of was that she was suspended from a ceiling.

The door opened, eyes squinting and trying to see straight through the harsh light spilling in. The darkness came back seconds later, and Nadiya was now sure she wouldn't never be able to adjust her sight.

"Well isn't this a surprise?" a rough voice spoke. The ninja's head turned in the man's direction. "Nadiya. I didn't expect to see you anytime soon."

"A job came up," her shoulders barely shrugged. "You just happen to be the object of their attention."

"And what would that reason be?"

Nadiya chuckled. "Come on, Kakuzu. You know I can't tell you anything, even if we are partners every now and again."

"I can force it out of you."

"You can try."

Suddenly, the bindings jerked, throwing the ninja back first up against a wall. The air rushed from her lungs, making it difficult to breathe. Now the woman had a pretty good idea what was holding her up: the man's damn jutsu that filled his body full of a coarse, black hair-like material. He easily killed thousands with this technique, and she could easily be another one to add to his list. "Don't tempt me."

"You sadistic bastard," Nadiya gasped out.

"And you're not?"

"I'm just crazy on a whole other level."

"You'd have to be to attempt breaking into a home belonging to an Akatsuki member." He was walking now. "You were careless."

"It happens."

"You under estimated you opponent."

Nadiya gritted her teeth in annoyance, glaring into the blackness. Something embedded into the wall right beside her head, followed by others that lined areas around her body. Kunai. "Next time I won't miss."

"If you wanted to get results, you wouldn't be wasting time like this."

"Very well then."

Black threads crawled up her body before wrapping around the throat, slowly choking the target. Meanwhile, the ones pinning the woman began to pull apart, stretching her painfully. Minutes later they loosened.

"You're never going to get anywhere," Nadiya gasped out.

The ninja was thrown onto the floor chest up before a foot pressed against the side of her head, turning it to the right.

This went on for hours, the gasps and struggling noises of pain, trying to keep it in, the rough voice of the torturer speaking harsh words in the darkness. Nadiya lay on the floor panting heavily bruised and bloody. Kakuzu's eyes pierced through the blackness, staring at the woman under his control.

"I'll never tell, Kakuzu," she whispered. "You should know that."

"It's because of the money."

"That's only one of many reasons."

"Yes, your type of ninja are as tough as nails and would rather die than to give in."

"Then why are you wasting both of our times?"

Why was he? They had worked together in the past on group missions, even before the bounty hunter joined the Akatsuki. She was offered a position, but declined it, stating she couldn't agree to choose sides. Nadiya would gladly work for one Household and then join forces with their opposing branch and do a job for them as well. Such the life of a rogue assassin-spy.

"Because I know the only way to get you to talk is to break you. And your skills are valuable to Akatsuki every now and again." It was true. Leader would ask Kakuzu to hunt her down sometimes and hire the woman to gather information. "I will get you to talk."

"I dare you."

Something sparked in his eyes, bending down so his hot breath was on the ninja's face. "Watch your tongue. You know how cruel I can truly be."

Nadiya smirked, blood staining her teeth. "Give me your best shot."

A rough hand wrapped around the woman's jawbone, turning it harshly to the side, hips pinning hers harshly to the ground. The actions made the woman release a strangled groan. "You're going to regret saying those words," he dangerously spoke in her ear.

Nadiya smirked, and even Kakuzu would only admit this to himself, that neither would actually regret what they were about to do. No, they had been waiting for far too long.

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