Annoying [Gaara] for footlesself

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"Will you stop it?" Naia whispered harshly, trying not to draw too much attention to herself. The poking continued on her lower back, hand gripping the pencil tightly. She sighed heavily, trying to pay attention to the lecture going on in front of the classroom. "Cut it out, Gaara."

The emotionless teen smirked to himself so no one could see. He found amusement in this every time. It never got old. Naia's leg jerked back, kicking a leg of his desk. "Is there something wrong, Gaara?" Iruka questioned up at the board, cocking a brow.

"Nothing, Sensei," Gaara answered coolly. "Please continue."

"You're a child," Naia breathed when the man was distracted once again.

"It's funny," he answered lowly.

"Really? I thought you were emotionless."

"Just because I don't show it doesn't mean I'm heartless."

"Could've fooled me."

The bell rang, Naia standing from her seat and taking off for her locker. "Gaara at it again?" Tenten questioned, opening her locker.

"Why the hell does he have to sit right behind me in almost every class?" Naia groaned, slamming her forehead against the door.

"Not my fault your last names are right next to each other on the rosters. Maybe if you switched schools?"

"No, he transferred in from Suna! I was in Konoha first!"

Tenten shrugged. "Well I don't know what else to tell you. You could try ignoring it, like I've told you before."

"I would if I could. You know that."

"Good luck in your next class then. I'll see you later."

"Thank goodness I don't have it with him."

The friend smirked before heading off down the hall. After finally switching out her books, Naia slammed the locker door shut. However, she wasn't ready for the heart attack waiting on the other side. "Who's 'him'?"

"What the hell, Gaara?"

The darkly dressed boy stood leaning against the wall of lockers, eyes watching her carefully in mild amusement. "Didn't know you got scared so easily."

"I don't. But when I'm not expecting someone to be in my personal space, then yeah, I tend to freak out." Naia then turned away, walking towards class. And for some reason he was following. "Don't you have someone else to annoy?"

"Not in particular."

The girl grumbled lowly to herself. "Don't you have class?"

"Study hall."

"Of course..."

"What was that?"


Gaara chuckled lowly. "You're an interesting person."

Naia looked at him in utter confusion at hearing him laugh. For crying out loud the guy was like a statue when it came to feelings. Just seeing some must mean he's gone crazy, right? Or at least the world was coming to an end... Right?


She gritted her teeth, looking away and trying to speed up her walk, yet he met her pace without a problem. "Will you quit following me?"

"Who says I was? I'm just taking the long way to the library."

"Why are you so talkative today?"

He didn't have an answer. By now the halls were empty, the bell about to ring at any moment to signal that class had started. If Naia didn't hurry she would be late-

An arm wrapped around her waist before being pushed up against the lockers. Clearly flustered and angered, Naia went to snap at the redhead, wanting nothing more than to hit him. However, everything changed when his lips covered her own. The kiss was demanding, slightly rough too, but still, Naia couldn't help but like it. The taste of his breath, the way one arm held her tightly to him, the other pinning a wrist right by her head. With her free hand, the girl gripped the front of his shirt, pulling them closer together, which made him smirk.

The moment was broken when the bell loudly echoed through the halls. "Ugh, you made me late," Naia groaned when they pulled away.

He chuckled before giving her a peck on the cheek, walking back in direction they had come. "I'll see you after class, Naia."

As the girl watched his figure walk down the hall she couldn't help but smirk.

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