14. Doughnuts and Discussion

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"I got us doughnuts

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"I got us doughnuts." A perky, familiar voice exclaimed from behind me.

Glimpsing behind me, I saw Lizzie lugging a small-sized box of fresh doughnuts a few inches away. She slouched down into her chair at the table. Lizzie, Tracey, and I are hanging out at the public library, our prominent hang-out spot to chill in peace. We've never had to hear the high-pitched squeals of misbehaving children or the unamused scowls of adults here. It's usually quiet, other than the noises of librarians wheeling carts of books.

To make matters better, we always sat at the quiet corner of the library, where rows upon rows of books waited to be found and read.

"I got all kinds, especially the jelly ones, my favorite." Lizzie grinned broadly. She opened the box with caution, revealing the multiple-flavored doughnuts.

They laid perfectly in their place. I could already feel my mouth water as I gazed at them in delight.

"They're mines, too." Tracey moaned, her eyes peered up from her book.

She reached her hand into the box, grasping a strawberry-pink jelly doughnut. Within moments, I reached out my hand to grab a chocolate doughnut. As soon as I inserted a piece of it inside of my mouth, the delicious chocolate cream melted inside.

"Thanks for getting the doughnuts," I began, "But why did you get them?"

Whenever the three of us have a delicious treat in the library, there's usually something important we talk about. Sometimes, we'd have a deep conversation. Other times, we'd read a book out loud as a group.

"I got them because we're going to have a nice conversation while we're here." She explained with a wink.

"Oh? What are we going to talk about?" I questioned with a raised eyebrow.

Today, I thought I was going to get caught up in the book I wanted to read for the longest time. However, I guess that's not going to happen, especially today, a late Sunday afternoon. During the week, I'll be so caught up in school that I'll have almost no time to read.

"The party, of course, along with Tyler," Tracey said in a sweet voice, her smile promptly turning into a smirk. 

"Ugh, fine." I rolled my eyes playfully, "I'll tell you all about what happened between us."

Automatically, their eyes lit up, glistening through the artificial light of the building. Millicent's birthday party turned out to be nothing of what I expected, to me, anyway. It felt kind of tedious, but maybe because I'm not very close to the popular students.

The only thing I enjoyed about Millicent's party was talking with Tyler. I have to admit, he's very genuine when you have a full-on discussion with him. He's more sincere than expected.

"Say all the details, Rose." Lizzie chimed, setting her half-eaten doughnut on a napkin.

"Well, fine." I crossed my arms, my cheeks slightly turning into a strawberry-red hue, "Tyler's a lot friendlier than I thought."

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