15. Fake It 'Till You Make It

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The stern lecture of Ms

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The stern lecture of Ms. Jennings didn't help my urge of wanting to pull out my phone and start searching for juicy gossip. Every part of me wanted to do so, but there was one mere part of me that didn't agree. I can understand why. The chance of getting my phone confiscated is enormous. If I did, I'd quickly have a detention slip laying on my palms.

My phone was inside of my new designer purse, plopped next to my chair. Before my hands could sneak down to it, I decided to keep my hands on my desk. Serving detention isn't something I want to do, especially today.

My eyes were focused on the clock attached to the wall, directly above Ms. Jennings, who was modeling our lesson on the broad whiteboard. While squinting my eyes at the clock, I noticed that only a few minutes prevailed until it would be lunchtime.

Inside, I started to feel overjoyed. Lunch is my favorite part of the school day. Not only because I'd get to eat after a couple of hours of being starving. It was always my time to chatter with close friends and discussing juicy gossip. It just gives me the feeling of relief on the inside, knowing that I'm up-to-date on everything that happens around here.

The clock struck at its according time. The bell rang instantly. Ms. Jennings turned to the class, setting down her dry-erase marker down with a relieved smile.

"Alright, class is dismissed." She proclaimed, putting her hands together, "I'll see you all tomorrow."

Rising from my chair, I packed up all my supplies hastily, but carefully.

By the time I finished, I saw that half of the seats in the classroom were already empty and most students were heading out, signalizing that I should be doing the same. Flawlessly, I carefully shuffled out of the classroom door. My designer high heels looked excellent on my feet as I strutted down the occupied corridors, packed with students like sardines in a can.

A lot of students stopped dead in their tracks to take a good look at me. Of course, they are. With my spectacular reputation and unfading beauty, it's expected to have people gaze at you nonstop, like it or not. Ignoring all the eyes on me, I continued walking, primping a piece of my fresh-blonde hair behind my ear as my fresh, provocative curls bounced in the air.

I made my way down the flight of stairs and through a few more corridors to the cafeteria, my school hang-out place at midday. As soon as I set my foot in the enormous room, I heard loud howls of students endlessly prattling and saw students socializing together in groups.

I took a lunch tray off of its designated table and observed today's selection of food. Today, they're serving turkey sandwiches, vegetable soup, and pizzas of all sorts. Without uncertainty, I ordered a ready-made bowl of vegetable soup, seasoned chicken, fresh fruit, and a bottle of spring water.

After the lunch lady finished preparing my meal, I strutted to the middle of the cafeteria, where my friends and I assemble. Taking my seat at the table, I set down my lunch tray and placed my backpack on an unoccupied chair next to me. It turned out to be the only empty chair at the table.

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