6. Lunch (Maybe)

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Lisa came back to her office feeling amazing, on her first day she caused a good impression with the whole team, she was hoping things were like this everyday, smooth and calm, she decided to call her mum, and tell her everything about her new job, her mum told her how proud she was, and that she was gonna pray for her, the phone call ended quickly because she had many things to do before the day ends.

A girl approached to her door and knocked, Lisa told her to come in, she introduced herself as Seulgi, she worked on the same floor and they would be working on the same campaign, she was a photographer, so she gave her some extra details, Lisa was glad she was surrounded by nice people, since she had to prepare the concept artwork for next week, she was gonna be really busy.

"There are probably lots of people here that I don't know yet, maybe I should walk around to introduce myself to the team", Lisa said almost in a whisper, when suddenly she got a phone call on her office, she answered "Manoban, Lisa how can I help you?", But nobody answered, she waited a little bit and repeated herself, after a few seconds she decided to try something different "Hello? How can I help you?", but again no response, then she just hung up, "Maybe someone called by mistake", she said for herself.


Little did she know Jennie was the one calling, but when Lisa answered she just got frozen, she didn't know why was she calling, she didn't know what to say, she was planning to invite her to get some lunch, since she has been really nice to her and helped her on Friday, yet she didn't find the courage, "Maybe it's too much, she must be busy, it's her first day, or maybe she ate already, but again it's her first day and she doesn't know anybody, she will end up eating alone", Jennie tried to call again, but she didn't want people started to talk about this, "But why not?, after all I am free to befriend whoever I want" she said for herself, this was frustrating for her, she couldn't make up her mind so she decided not to call Lisa for now and maybe skip the thought about lunch for now.

So she checked her agenda, her emails, she made a couple of phone calls but she couldn't stop thinking about the damn lunch.


Mr. James called the whole team and introduced Lisa, everyone was happy to see her, after all she seemed a nice girl, and they heard about the meeting, yes news in places like that fly around really fast, everyone went back to their work and Lisa was sent by Mr. James to Jennie's office, Jennie needed to sign some papers about the project to start preparing things, they needed her green light to start.

So Lisa walked quickly to Jennie's office, she wanted to see her again, she seemed really nice and she thought that maybe they could eat lunch together, but then she started to think that she was the CEO and probably she would decline her offer, but actually she didn't decline her coffee, so there was a chance right?, but what if it was too much eat lunch with her employee, she doesn't talk to people according to rumours, or maybe she was really busy to eat something right now, plus she remembered how Rosé told her she didn't want to have friends at work, and how she was distant to everybody.

She arrived to Jennie's office, and she waited outside, it seemed her assistant wasn't around in that moment.

Beyond the door Jennie was deeply thinking about calling Lisa again, she was about to lift the phone when the knocking sounds startled her, "Come in", then she whispered "Ugh now I won't have enough time to get lunch, I'll just order something", she didn't bother to look at the person that was in front of her, she was already in a bad mood.

"Miss Kim, I'm sorry for bother you, but Mr. James asked me if I could bring you these papers to get your sign, so we can start preparing the project", Lisa waited for her response but nothing, fortunately Jennie was facing the wall when she felt her cheeks burning, probably blushing, that's why she didn't turn back to see Lisa, she was a little bit far away, lingering on the door, Jennie pretended to look for something around, and she just rose her hand and told her to sit down, she drank water, tried to calm down and checked herself on her phone screen, pretending to text someone.

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