21. Girls night (just wanna have fun)

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After call Mr. Jeong and tell her she would be at Lisa's flat, Jennie was ready to leave, both girls walked together and they drove away from the building.

Lisa thought she saw someone that looked familiar, she didn't know from where, she wasn't sure because the car's windows were tinted and it was just a glimpse, maybe she was just imagining things.

When they got to Lisa's flat Leo came running looking for Jennie and she took it in her arms "Well that's new, he is my baby and he doesn't even care about me, such a ungrateful child" Lisa said bitterly and Jennie just chuckled amused by her friend's reaction.

They ordered some food and Lisa excused herself to take a shower and change her clothes, since she was really sweaty, Jennie sat down on the sofa and used her time to look to Lisa's dance again Jennie Kim what's happening to you? Why do you feel this way? I think it's admiration mostly, like when you get impressed by a singer, they do look sexy confident and you can't just help it, she thought for a while and it seems it made sense, it's just a platonic infatuation.

After Lisa was done with her shower she came back to the living room, they just sat down together and talked about many things, then Jennie asked her something she remembered suddenly "The other day you said you didn't have many friends, because they were actually your ex boyfriend's friends, what happened?", Lisa sighted deeply and her eyes got filled with melancholy and sadness, "You know, just forget it, I think I'm just too nosey, I'm sorry" Jennie blushed and looked away.

Lisa looked at her and said "Don't worry, I mean I talked about it already, I told you I had a boyfriend, so here it goes, he was actually my first love, of course I dated before him but you know, he made me feel special since day one, we went to the same university, and one day we just ran into each other, like bumped into each other, I fell and he helped me, he looked directly to my eyes and I was mesmerized, he was so attentive, then we just started to hang out, I only had Rosé, and he was always with many people, so he just tried to be my friend and Rosé's as well".

She sighed "Then after a couple of months we started to date and he was just like a dream, idk if you have felt that way, like somebody knows you really well, even if you haven't shared a lot of things with that person", Jennie nodded and kept listening, "After we were done with school he just told me he had to go to UK, and he wanted to break up, he never really explained anything, even if I asked him to do it, because gosh I was soooo in love, and I guess... he didn't felt the same way, in some way I was expecting he would tell me to go with him, but it seems he had other plans, he said he wanted to set me free" Lisa just shook her head.

"We basically lost contact, I tried to reach him, I wanted to fight for him but he even changed his number, so after a couple of months I just quit, like he was probably happy and I was dying, it took me a while get better, and many sleepless nights, I used to cry every night, Rosé was always with me, even if I was a mess, she took care of me all this time, she still does", there was silence in the room, "So yeah, that's basically my first real love drama, and I hope the last cause well it's devastating".

Jennie looked at her with tears threatening to spill from her eyes, when Lisa saw her, she started sobbing, "I'm sorry, I didn't meant to make you remember things, you know" Jennie buried herself on Lisa's arms and she just caressed her hair, both were crying their hearts out, Lisa tried to speak between sobs "Nini it's okay to don't be strong all the time, you don't have to save all those tears, let them flow, plus you do have me, as I had Rosé, I won't leave your side, I'll be your best friend, and I'll be by your side in every happy and sad moment", Jennie held Lisa even tighter and kept crying for a while, till she fell asleep, Lisa tried to compose herself, think about her past was always hard.

The food arrived so Lisa had to let go of Jennie, trying to move her delicately, so she wouldn't wake up.

Jennie cried because of her experience with Kai, she loved him, but he changed a lot, she was broken hearted but her pride didn't let her to show it to somebody else, but that wasn't the only reason, she couldn't understand how somebody couldn't love Lisa, she knew she was difficult, wayward, a brat, and a spoiled girl, but Lisa was all smiles, always caring, with a heart of gold, she is too precious to get broken again, she promised to herself to make sure nobody would dare to hurt her Lili.

When Lisa came back with the food Jennie was awake, she wasn't crying anymore, Lisa looked at her with so much tenderness on her eyes, and asked her if she felt better, "Lili.... I'm starving" she answered, both laughed and Jennie helped Lisa to carry some things, "Let's eat then, and maybe we can watch a film, what do you think?" Jennie nodded.

They were ready to eat when someone knocked on the door, it was Rosé, "Chipmunk do you have a radar for food or something?" Lisa asked, "Come we have food and will watch a film", Rosé was delighted but stopped on her tracks when she saw Jennie, "Hi Miss Kim" She said all shy, "Come on Rosie, call me Jennie, we aren't at work, come sit with us, I thought we were friends", Rosé nodded all happy and Jennie smiled.

Jennie chose "Last Christmas", because she loved Emilia Clarke, the other girls approved, they felt in a better mood, and were really into the film, but by the end they all were crying again, "Nini why did you choose that? Said Lisa between sobs, and Jennie couldn't even talk, "I... I didn't know at all.. I just love her films".. Rosé was crying and eating at the same time.

After a few minutes they managed to calm down, and then they just started to talk about many things, Lisa was super happy, cause her friends were getting along perfectly.

They played Mario Kart and Mario Party, and that let them relax, Jennie was really competitive and ended winning, even doing some victory dance, it was getting late and since it was Saturday Rosé thought they could spend the night in Lisa's place, Lisa agreed and Jennie wasn't sure, she didn't want to be a burden.

"Come on, I'll take you home tomorrow morning, what do you think? A sleepover with your friends" Lisa wiggled her eyebrows and Jennie couldn't stop laughing, she agreed and then she got a call from her mum.

She went to another room to talk to her, apparently it was a music room, she got amazed  by the place "Hi Mum, don't worry I'm fine, I will be staying with Lisa and her friend Rosé, she works as a model in our company, yes the lavender blonde one, and they are best friends, well I actually think we all are friends now, so I'll be back tomorrow ok?" Her mum thought it was a great idea, it was better this way, then she could let know Jennie what happened. "Baby can I talk to Lisa for a Minute? It will be really quick, I want to get the technical details about the studio", Jennie agreed and went to look for Lisa.

"Lili my mum wants to talk to you, is it ok?", Lisa stared at her and said "Yes of course".

"Good evening Mrs. Kim, how can I help you", and she walked away from the living room, Jennie's mum smiled "Dear you have been helping a lot, please take care of my baby, I know you are a great friend, and after what I asked you to do today..." Lisa cut her off, "No, it's not a favour, I would do anything for Jennie, I appreciate her a lot, so please don't think you owe me something, I'll be the best friend she needs, and I'll help in everything you and your family need", Jennie's mum smiled again, she thanked Lisa and they hung up.

Jennie was playing again with Rosé, when Lisa sat in the middle, she handed the phone to Jennie and she saw her gummy smile.

Then they got some popcorn and started to bing watching "Pretty Little liars", they were too focused watching the episodes and Jennie was like "Come on, this show is really bad, but why we can't stop watching it?", Rosé said the same and Lisa was in awe, "Well maybe it's that bad, that we just want to know what's next?"

It was 1am when they decided to go to sleep, Rosie took the spare bedroom, she even had PJ's and clothes there, then Lisa went to her room with Jennie and gave her comfy PJ's, "Lili you don't have to sleep in the living room, I can do that, you should stay here", Lisa shook her head, "You are my guest, so you stay here, and I do stay outside, if you need something just tell me ok?" Jennie nodded.

Jennie got in bed, she was really tired, Lisa's smell was lingering all over the bed, even if it feels soothing she couldn't sleep, she had many things in her head, then she started to cry, cry her heart out again.

Lisa woke up and heard something weird, she got up and went to her room's door, she heard Jennie crying again, she couldn't stand it, the CEO was broken, after think for a little while what to do she decided to go inside, "Nini what's wrong, do you wanna talk?" Jennie didn't answer right away and Lisa wasn't sure about what to do, she stood there for a couple of minutes, and still no answer, "I'll give you some privacy" Lisa said because she didn't want to be invasive, she was about to leave when she heard Jennie's sobbing voice, "Lili, can you stay here with me and hug me?" Jennie said while crying even harder, Lisa nodded and came by her side, she held her tight and Jennie did the same, burying her face on Lisa's neck.

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