26. Can't stop my heart from beating (Confessions)

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When Jennie got into her office Jisoo was there waiting for her, "Jendukie you seem over excited" and Jennie just left herself fall into the chair next to her cousin "Did you see her?, how confident and powerful she looked over there, plus so sexy and intelligent, I am beyond excited, I think I'm .... I'm... In love... I don't even know anymore, she makes my heart race so damn fast, and I can't hide it anymore, she is just perfect, so kind, funny and talented".

Jisoo looked at her in disbelief "Wait... Jennie Ruby Jane!, what are you talking about?, You know I was joking all those times when I told you to stop looking at her right? Are you really serious about this?",

Jennie sighed "Chu, look at me, do you really think I'm playing around?, Since the day I met her, I have been feeling... I don't know... things?, and since then she has been crawling slowly into my heart, I mean have you seen the way she acts, how attentive and how kind she is, and that damn Barbie doll face, plus did you know she has abs? Like sexy ones, seriously, I don't know what I'm going to do", Jennie sighed again and Jisoo was astonished, Jennie never talked openly about her feelings before, specially romantic feelings.

Jisoo pinched both of Jennie's cheeks at the same time and Jennie flinched in pain "Jendukie... This means you are over Kai now?, like you cried for days and now you spill all this, just like that", Jisoo looked at her cousin who seemed to be lost in her thoughts "Come on! stop whining".

Jennie was still rubbing her cheeks "Chu I did love Kai, but it started to fade away since I met Lisa, plus he was acting all weird, of course I cried for days, he really meant something for me, I adored him, and I felt betrayed by his actions, he hurt me, really bad, you know I'm not a mean person, I can be cold, I admit it, ok a total bitch if you want to call it that way, but I always cared for him, and suddenly he changed, acted all enraged, I didn't deserve to be treated like that, that's why I broke up with him, specially cause he was getting violent towards me, but I would be lying if I say Lisa wasn't one of the reasons, she made me realise I deserve better, that's all".

Jisoo needed some water, she needed time to process all this, so she got up and grabbed a water bottle for her and one for Jennie, both were sittin there all quiet and drinking water, then the older Kim shook her head "Jen, when are you gonna tell her all this?".

Jennie spilled the water she was drinking "OMG never, I can't tell her this, she is going to freak out, I mean I don't even know how she feels about me, she told me she wanted to be my friend, like actually she kinda made me become her friend, best friend besides Rosie, she just told me she decided we would be friends even of o didn't want to, just like that, plus I don't think she is into girls, she told me she had a boyfriend, like a formal one that she loved crazily but that damn idiot left her, without any explanation, she was willing to fight for him, he even left the country and he just ghosted her, and I'm afraid if I tell her all this she could ... Hate me?, I don't know!, I don't wanna lose her friendship, she means a lot for me, if I confess my feelings she won't be able to reciprocate them, and eventually she will go away from me" she looked so depressed.

"Jenjen, but... It may be a chance you know, listen you weren't into girls either, as far as I know, unless.... there's something about this that you didn't tell me before", Jennie blushed and looked away from her cousin "Chu... I.. I kissed a girl once, just once I swear, when I was living in London, we were in a party and it just happened, and well I liked it, but it was just a kiss, I have never dated any girl or something, I don't even thought about date one before, it's not that I'm into girls, it's more like I'm into Lisa, I don't know if I make sense cause I never felt attracted to other girl, I never cared so much about a friend, I'm into Lisa, I'm not dealing with my sexual preferences, I'm dealing with thenstrog feelings I have for my best friend, let's see, I don't know  it's the Manoban effect", both laughed.

She was still sad and confused "I thought it was just admiration, she is younger than me, yet so talented, when I saw all her portfolio I thought she had potential plus thinking about back then the whole day I just interviewed morons, cocky morons, and she seemed different, she was unique" Jennie said.

Jisoo rubbed her back trying to bring se confort to the cat eyes girl "You should go for it, what if she meets someone else and you are there just being the best friend, you'll regret it Ruby Jane, I know you, plus you never acted like this, so open about love and your feelings, its actually scary we are talking about this", Jennie nodded "The Manoban effect, I'm telling you", Jisoo laughed "It seems the Manoban effect hit you hard Jen", the cold CEO sighed  "I think I will tell her, but I need time", Jisoo nodded "Whenever you feel ready".

Then Jisoo remembered something "Ruby Jane! Wait... When did you see her abs? you cheeky monkey!", Jennie blushed and then explained the whole situation that happened last Saturday, Jisoo looked at her "Show me the damn video!", Jennie laughed and agreed "Ok, just don't be loud ok, keep it down, I know you", Jisoo nodded.

Jennie played the video on her Macbook and bam, Jisoo was lost, she wasn't able to talk, she was just looking at Lisa's dance without even blink, "Jennie, Jennie, Jendukie", "What??? Talk, say something!" Jennie said, "If you don't want her I'll go for her", Jennie's eyes widened "What the actual Fuck are you saying!, Hell no!" Jennie was beyond annoyed and slapped her cousin's head.

"Jennie I bet this vid made you fall for her, seriously, I need some air" Jisoo opened a window, "Chu you better be playing around or else I'll hit you again" Jennie said.

"JENDUKIE! wake up! and go for the girl, seriously Señorita, look at her, talented, kind, smart, hot as hell, your mum loves her, you better give me a copy of that video" Jisoo smirked and Jennie slapped her again, "Ohhhh no reason to use violence, we are family, remember Ohana" Jisoo said laughing.

Jennie had a lot to think about, she wanted Lisa close to her, no matter if they were just friends, but she needed to talk to her about her feelings, like to be clear about how she feels and if she doesn't feel the same keep being friends, she didn't want to lose the Thai, when? Well that's not so easy, hopefully she can do it soon, before it gets too late, she was only sure she wanted Lisa in her life forever, "The Manoban effect, those bangs are the one to blame" she said for herself.

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