55. You would know (if you stayed)

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Sehun was panting when she grabbed Lisa's arm "Lisa wait, don't run from me, please", Lisa looked at him furiously, "You just kissed me! In front of my girlfriend!, I need to find her, you can't just pretend nothing happened almost three years ago and kiss me just like that, leave me alone! Let me go!!" he looked at her, and took her wrist, "Lisa but what I said it's true, I do love you, after all this time, I still love you, you never left my mind, my heart is yours, it always has been yours" Lisa slapped him hard on his face, her hand got numb.

She lost her temper "I can't lie to you, for a long time I was hoping for you to come back and tell me all this, but things have changed now, I tried to reach you, many, many, many times, you even changed your phone number, I tried to fight for us, but you didn't, now it's late", she walked away fast, she needed to find Jennie but he didn't let her pass.

"Please Lisa, please understand, I had big responsibilities with my father, he was sick, he needed me to help him handle the company, we were about to lose everything, I went to UK to take business courses and help my family, please I  miss you, I always did but I was a coward, I'm sorry!" Lisa looked at him, she tried to walk away but he kept blocking her way, she was starting to get frustrated "Why did you wait all this time to tell me this?, I told you it's late, you had your reasons, nobody forced you to leave me behind, you are a stupid selfish coward, you didn't care about me, don't come at me know saying all those things" She tried to get away from him but he kept insisting grabbing her tightening his grip.

She tried to calm down but the anger she had inside was bursting out "I'm going to tell you this just one time, listen well and after this let me go or I'll scream for help" he nodded and she got a serious look "I hope UK held you as I did, I hope somebody loved you all this time as I did or even more, it's nice that now you remember how to miss me after 3 years, you could have explained everything to me and I'm sure I could have understood, I could have gone with you, help you out, leave all my dreams and hopes for you, instead you just pushed me away, turned your back to me, you forgot about me, you are so damn selfish! I loved you, I really did. I fell for you, but I ended hitting the damn cold ground for nothing, all I did is give you everything I had, and I think I deserved more, actually I'm totally sure I deserved the best, and you aren't nor will best, specially now".

He was taken aback by Lisa's words "Lissy I'm sorry, my feelings haven't changed at all I still love you, when Jisoo told me about Jennie's girlfriend I never thought it was you, Jisoo is my half sister, I always visit her and Jennie when I come to Seoul, they were talking about you during lunch, and noona told me to watch your official YouTube channel, and I watched the video where Jennie introduced you as her girlfriend, I couldn't believe it, I had to come and talk to you, I need you, I really had to look for you and do something, I can give you more than her, she doesn't love you as I do, haven't you noticed she is so damn cold and rude?, she just probably wants to use you to gain popularity, whatever you want I can give it to you, please listen, I do love you, I understand how you feel, I really do, I know it was hard for you, it was hard for me as well, please believe me, give me a chance we can start as friends and make it work" Lisa was starting to get angry, she pushed him hard to walk away.

"Don't talk about Jennie, you don't have any right to talk about her like that!, when you are far from being perfect, so damn far!, how do you dare to judge her like that?, you know her since years ago and everything that comes from your mouth is that she is using me?, she would never use me, I'm not even popular, honestly I don't think you understand, you will never do, you really stabbed my heart with your indifference, when you said you were going to set me "free", it only meant you never loved me back, not the way I did, but if it makes you feel better, those wounds in my heart already healed thanks to someone else, Jennie is the love of my life, the way she makes me feel isn't compared to the way I felt about you, and there's no way I can go back to you, not after everything that happened between us, not when I'm in love with someone else, it's funny how small is this world huh? I never thought I would see you again, your sister is one of my best friends, you both are so different" she walked away, getting as far as she could.

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