27. Beating hearts (oblivious)

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After an intense talk with her favourite cousin Jennie just decided to calm down, it was almost 2pm, so she ordered food from one of her favourite places, nothing fancy, burgers, fries, iced tea and milkshakes, she was hoping to have at least a calm afternoon, and maybe go home early, since her schedule was free.

Her mum suddenly got inside her office, "Omg big boss, don't scare me like that!, you know I'm sensitive", her mum shrugged her nose (just like Jennie) and laughed "Reckless child, respect your boss and mother, how are you?, I saw you really happy in our meeting".

Jennie gave her a gummy smile "Mum what do you think about her?, I'm talking about Lisa, Isn't she talented?", Her mum took a seat in front of her "I think she will go far, she does have talent and Mr. James told me this was your idea, and don't try to deny it, you gave her one of the biggest opportunities in her career, and I'm proud of you, you will be a wise Big Boss" Jennie smiled again and nodded, "And about what I think about her, well I can see she is really kind, smart, funny, I like that I got know to her better, it's great have friends like her".

Jennie expression saddened, "Why the long face baby?" Her mum asked, "It's nothing, I'm just tired, I'm thinking about go home early, I'm almost done for today" she said, of course her mum knew it was something else.

Mrs. Kim got up from her seat and approached to her daughter "Well if you want to it's ok, once in a while is good to take things easy darling and I just came to tell you that I'll have lunch with some executives and directors from Chanel, will be collaborating, so I'll see you at home later", "OMG really? That's amazing, I'm sure you will convince them with your Kim charming self" Jennie said all happy, "Of course, that's done already" and her mum winked, "I'll see you later".

Jennie was amazed, it's gonna be wonderful for the Kim's company.


Everyone in the 8th floor were celebrating, after sleepless nights and a great effort their campaign was gonna become real, Lisa felt amazing, tomorrow they will have to plan all the logistic for different locations, but the commercial was gonna be recorded in their studio, they all went out to eat lunch together, Lisa told them she already had plans but promised to celebrate with them when the campaign and Photoshoots were done.

She went outside the building, looking at the time she still had 30mins, so she got a box of macarons and got inside another shop, looking for something for her friend.


1:59pm and Lisa still is nowhere to be found, Jennie was kinda nervous cause maybe she decided to eat lunch with her friends and colleagues, actually Mr. James asked for her permission to take everyone out to eat and she agreed.

2:00pm and heard someone knocking, she rolled her eyes, thinking it was her assistant "Come in" she just turned around to hide her disgust.

When she heard a well know voice, "Boss I'm here for an important meeting", Jennie screamed... internally of course and turned around "Oh Manoban, how can I help you?" Jennie asked, "Someone here invited me to eat lunch together, maybe I was wrong, I'm sorry for the inconvenience" she said playfully.

Jennie seemed to be deep thinking, tapping her chin with her index finger "Oh yes, but I'm sorry for the confusion, only your bangs were invited" she tried to seem serious but couldn't hide her laughter, it was out loud. And Lisa just shook her head amused by the answer.

"Come the food is ready" Jennie tried to grab her hand but Lisa moved it away, Jennie felt bad, maybe she was being too bold and shouldn't get that touchy with Lisa, "Nini I brought something for you, and she gave her the macaroons box, Jennie eyes widened, "Oh no, you shouldn't have, It wasn't..." But Lisa cut her off, "Wait there's something else, I don't know what are your favourite flowers so I chose the most aromatic one in the shop, she handed her a single rose, it was a beautiful lavender rose.

A tear threatened to fall from Jennie's eyes, she was moved for a single detail, a simple thing like that, "Thank you, I never got something like this, it looks so unique, and smells really sweet", She gave her a gummy smile.

"Well thanks to you I'm here, you have done a lot for me, and.... I, well, this is just a simple gesture" Lisa brushed the tear away from Jennie's face using her thumb and she grabbed her hand, Jennie was screaming internally again "Wait, let me put this in that vase", she did it quickly and poured her water bottle inside the vase, this time Jennie was the one grabbing Lisa's hand.

The food was amazing, both girls were talking non stop, "Did you know I love fries?" Lisa said, Did you know I love you? Jennie thought for herself and shook her head, "Noooo I didn't, I love them too" it was nice eat there in Jennie's terrace, everything was so calm, the breeze was relaxing and nobody could see them, it was really private.

"Lili why you didn't go to eat lunch with your whole team?, Mr. James called me to tell me about the plan", Lisa smiled at her "Honestly? You really want to know?, Jennie nodded, "Well because my boss is really demanding" and that's when Jennie punched Lisa's arm, "I'm just kidding, I didn't go with them cause I had two powerful reasons: 1. You asked me first, wait actually it was my idea now that I think about it... and number 2. I prefer to be with you", Lisa sipped her milkshake, omg this is so good" Jennie felt her heart skipping a beat.

"Ohhhh you know what?, I have another reason, it's a powerful one so listen carefully, your gummy smile, I just think it's the cutest thing I have seen before, I would choose you over anything for the last two reasons" Lisa said and kept sipping her milkshake.

Lisa thought that maybe she was being too bold but she was being honest, Jennie was totally silent.

"Lili... You really are special for me, and what you just said, means a lot for me, I want to talk to you about something really really important, the thing is that I don't feel ready, just promise me that you would listen to everything I have to say, before saying something ok?, when the time comes, please?", Lisa smiled, she put her right hand over hear heart and said "I promise to wait for you, and listen to everything you have to say, before say something, I solemnly swear!" She smiled at Jennie, if only I have the courage right now, you already could know how I feel about you Jennie thought, "Thank you Manobangs".

Lisa thought it was something about Kai or work, something like that, she would wait till the CEO felt ready.

Jennie got closer to Lisa and took her hand, caressing it with her thumb, they were in that position and sipping their drinks for a while, it was a comfortable silence.

"Jennie, thanks for inviting me to lunch, this was definitely better than go to the other place", Jennie smiled, and Lisa cleaned the table "Let me take all this and then let's enjoy the view, well if you aren't busy", Jennie smiled again "I'm not busy, my evening schedule is all clear" she got up and hugged her lovely friend from behind, Lisa always got surprised by this action, then Jennie wrapped Lisa's arm and leaned her head on her shoulder.

Both hearts beating intensely and they were so oblivious about it.

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