9. Call me friend (But keep me closer)

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Lisa was about to say bye when she walked Jennie to her front door, but suddenly Jennie held her hand, "Come, I'll invite you something to drink, to return the favour", and she winked to Lisa, OMG I'm out of my mind, she thought for herself.

Lisa nodded and followed her, Woah did Jennie Kim just winked at me?, "Is it ok if I leave my bike here?, I can move it and park it in some other place", Jennie looked at her and said it was fine, she wasn't expecting visitors anyway, both walked close to each other, Lisa slowed down her pace so they could walk together.

Jennie took her to a big terrace with a beautiful garden, it was a fresh day, and she thought it was better to drink something outside and just enjoy the view and the breeze, she went to the kitchen and prepared some iced tea, and she asked the Butler (Mr. Jeong) to take the tray with the jar and glasses outside.

Mr. Jeong was surprised, Jennie didn't have lots of friends in Korea, and she hardly brought someone over, but she looked really happy, so he felt happy as well, she was like a daughter to him, since he was the one taking care of her in New Zealand and later in UK, Jennie's mum was constantly travelling, and her cousin was in Korea, they would only had the chance to see each other on summers.

Mr. Jeong went to the terrace and politely greeted Lisa, Lisa got up and greeted him as well, she also thanked him for the beverages. Jennie came up and introduced Lisa, "Uncle Jeong this is Lisa Manoban, my friend and colleague, we met a few days ago but I already owe her a lot", she smiled, "Lisa this is Mr. Jeong, my butler and uncle, he has been taking care of me for years now, since I was a kid", Mr. Jeong felt proud, Jennie saw him as family, and hugged him tight, Mr. Jeong blushed a little, Lisa came closer and hugged him as well, "It's a pleasure to meet you Mr. Jeong", the butler got startled but he managed to compose himself.

This was such a happy kid, and he was sure Jennie would be happier with Lisa around, "It's a pleasure to meet you, Miss Manoban", Lisa cut him off and told him to please call her Lisa, he nodded "I hope to see you around often Lisa", Lisa smiled and the butler excused himself, he left so the two friends could talk a little more.

Jennie was smiling non stop, Lisa felt like blushing, she didn't think to befriend her boss, was possible, let alone that she was gonna spend time at Jennie's home today, but she was glad to have a cute friend like her, they drank their tea, and talked about their life, Jennie was surprised to know Lisa left home so soon, she saw in her eyes how much she missed Thailand and her family, but she did the same, left home only with Mr. Jeong and some staff, but she didn't miss Korea at all, she felt at home wherever she was, as long Mr. Jeong was by her side.

It was nice to have a good friend like Lisa, Jennie thought, then she realised she was wearing Lisa's hoodie, it had a cute design, an unicorn on the back, it was oversized but it fit her really well. She wanted to hand it to her friend but she decided to wash it and return her clothes tomorrow.

Time passed by really fast, almost flying, and they didn't noticed it, they seemed old friends catching up about everything they missed when they were apart.

Jennie got a phone call, it was Kai asking her to come over his place, it was already 4pm and he didn't even looked for her last night, not even a text or an apology, Lisa kept herself busy with her phone when her friend walked away, she seemed annoyed and she didn't want to get in the middle.

Jennie was about to explode, she felt a sudden anger "Kai, it's obvious you don't care for me, you left me alone last night, did you forget already how you asked me to get out of your car?, I don't care if you came back later!, If that's even true, I really doubt it, you didn't even call me and you think I'm willing to go to your place, or have you over?, don't call me anymore, maybe we can talk about it later on, I honestly don't know anymore, No, I don't know when, I just want to be alone, to think, I don't deserve this treatment from you, and for your information I can't control how other people look at me, whatever Kai, maybe we need some distance to think properly, yes that's all I'm going to say, yes, good bye, and please don't call me, I'm mad at you, really mad". She hung up the phone and walked away.

Lisa saw in Jennie's face that she was really annoyed so she kept sipping her iced tea, maybe it was her time to leave and let Jennie get some rest, she just waited there till Jennie decided to come back, she felt like an intruder, she couldn't listen to what her friend told to her boyfriend, but it was obvious that it was about last night, she remembered how devastated Jennie looked when she went towards her, and her heart broke a little, then she remembered the couple that was fighting last night in the club, maybe they were the ones arguing.

10 minutes later Jennie came back, she was serious, with her cold expression and cold eyes, Lisa waited till Jennie wanted to talk, her eyes seemed a little bit red, maybe she was crying after the phone talk, she thought it was the best to remain silent, but she decided to break the ice, "Miss Kim, I have to go now but I have a serious question first", Jennie blushed, she was hoping she didn't ask her anything about last nite, "Go ahead Lisa, ask me anything", " Ok, but this is a really serious question ok?... do you think Godzilla can beat King Kong? I still don't know what side to take in this battle", Jennie looked at her with a smirk, feeling relieved, "Manoban you really are a crazy girl huh? It's obvious Godzilla will take over that monkey, plus how come he managed to go to Japan?, Wasn't he living in an island and then New York?, How he got over Asia, does he has a passport?, imagine his wallet", They both started to laugh, it was really funny how they tried to prove their points, the truth is Lisa was on Godzilla side, but she wanted Jennie to forget a little about last night mess.

They ate something while talking about films and cartoons, without noticing it was already 9pm, Lisa thanked her for everything, she had a really nice evening, Jennie thought the same, she had a great time, nobody wanted to say bye, but Lisa excused herself, saying she had work tomorrow morning and her boss was really strict, Jennie just laughed out loud and punched Lisa's arm, they couldn't stop laughing, they were having so much fun.

Jennie walked her to her bike, Lisa took both helmets, and she secured one of them on the side, "Good night Lisa, I can't thank you enough for everything, seriously! your bangs saved me", they laughed again, "My bangs are the key of my super powers, don't tell anybody", Lisa said while laughing, "See you tomorrow boss, and don't worry I will protect your real identity".

Jennie stared at Lisa, while rolling her eyes, "What do you mean Manoban?", Lisa put her helmet, and shrugged her shoulders "You are an amazing, funny and cute person, oh and really sweet, that cold aura is just to scare people away at work, don't you?, I caught you Kim, it's too late to change my mind", Jennie gave her a gummy smile, and Lisa thought she was gonna melt, "I have to go Jennie, see you tomorrow", before leaving Lisa said "Hey Jennie! That beautiful smile is your superpower, see ya boss!" And drove away.

Jennie was left blushing and dumbfounded, "Lisa, you'll be the death for me", she said and walked back home, feeling her heart full of happiness.

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