16. Kill 'em with kindness ( unexpected encounter)

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Lisa was almost dead by the end of the day, she has been supervising each area, and engaging in every detail, thousand ideas running every single time she got an approach to her workmates, then she had a meeting with Mr. James to decide what part of the project should be done by the end of the week, they have seen lots of progress in a few days, so far the director was pleased.

After that everybody was already going home, she took her things and checked her phone, there was a text from Jennie.

Nini 🖤

I heard you had a lot of progress today, keep working hard Manoban, I'll see you tomorrow 😘

Lili 💓

You can count on me boss, I'm not eager to get a mental breakdown yet, see you tomorrow and make sure to get a proper rest 😎

It was a good day after all isn't it? She told to herself, she packed her things and went straight to the elevator, some photographers invited her to get some drinks but she declined saying she doesn't really like to drink, cause her tolerance to alcohol is too low, they all took the elevator and talked for a little while.

Then she took her bike and drove away, to get home.


Jennie spent the rest of the day with Jisoo and they decided to leave early, before leaving she sent a text to her friend to let her know she wasn't in the building anymore, Jisoo would take her home and maybe sleep there.

At work Jennie seemed all normal, even a little bit happier, but once she got home, her whole mood changed. Jisoo told her to take a shower and she would put some oinment on her arm to reduce inflammation and swelling, "Hey Jendukie you brought this little guy home", looking at the alien on Jennie's bed, Jennie got out of the shower "Yes, remember I put it on my purse when I went to your office, then I just forgot to leave it on my desk, I'll take him back tomorrow", Jisoo chuckled "Sureeeee, you forgot".

They talked a little bit more, and Jisoo asked Jennie if she wanted her to stay, she said no, cause it was already too much since she was taking care of her since earlier, they said goodbye and Jisoo made her promise that she would call her if she needed something, Jennie nodded and Jisoo left.

Jennie checked her phone and laughed when she read Lisa's text "This girl is crazy, she doesn't need a mental breakdown" she told to herself and went to sleep.


Days passed smoothly, things were getting better with the campaign, Lisa had the chance to talk to Jennie a couple of times but she was too busy and for Lisa was almost the same, too much to prepare and too much to think about.

By the end of the week Lisa told to Mr. James that she would be working this Saturday, to check the illumination in the studio, audio, cameras, and more. He agreed, after all by next week most of the things needed to be ready.

She thought about getting some iced tea and maybe something like that for Jennie, so she quickly grabbed her phone and went across the street to get something.

On her way back she noticed an older woman walking fast in front of her, she seemed familiar somehow, she was beautiful and both got inside the same elevator, she looked at Lisa and Lisa smiled to her and bowed down.

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