57. What should I do (shattered hearts)

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When Jennie got into her room she was greeted by Lisa's intoxicating esence, it was crazy the whole room smells just like her, she looked at her window and besides it, she saw Lisa's dress for tonight.

She went to the spare room and packed all the things Lisa left behind, even her perfume and make up, she took Lisa's bag to her room, she packed the clothes that were there and both hoodies, she didn't want anything related to her in her room.

She knew she was being stubborn, but she was I'm pain, she never felt this way before for anybody yet the only thing she got was to get hurt.

She changed her bed and put clean sheets, she couldn't stand Lisa smell all over her bed, when she decided to rest she saw a new message from Lisa, she didn't care about what she had to say, maybe she needed time.

When night came her mum left to attend the party, Jisoo texted her to tell Jennie she would see her tonight at the party, and that's when she decided to read Lisa's text.

After read it a couple of times, she finally decided to text her back, after all she has to come for all her things.

Nini Bear 🖤🐻

Hey, I'm just texting you cause I want you get back all your things, your bike and your bag, I already packed everything so that's all, and please don't try to talk to me, I don't have anything else to say.

Lalisa Manoban

Oh, I am sorry, I forgot my things were still there, I'll pass in 30 minutes for them, and don't worry, I won't bother you, I promised to leave you alone, I won't force anything between us.

When Jennie read her reply, she couldn't help but burst into tears again, this was to much to handle, she needed time to think about everything. She just laid down on her bed.

30 minutes later Lisa was there, talking to Mr. Jeong, "Hi Uncle!, Jennie texted me to pick up my things, I think we won't be able to see each other again for a some time, cause we had a misunderstanding and she doesn't want to talk to me again, can you please tell Jennie I'm here to pick up my things and if any of you guys need anything please contact me, this is my number, I'll always try try help you out, if Jennie need something please let me know, I know she won't tell me anything but I do care about you all, by the way is Mrs. Kim here?, Mr. Jeong was astonished "She left to attend the party, and about Jennie, she came here crying this evening, she has been crying all this time, whatever happened between you guys I'm sure it can be fixed" he said, Lisa looked at him with apologetic eyes, "I think she doesn't feel like it can get fixed or she doesn't want to, maybe she doesn't feel the same way I do and it's the first time I doubt about her feelings, I'll let her be and I'll give her space, I don't want to annoy her more uncle, trust me, I already tried to talk to her, I told her everything, I explained everything I had to explain, now is up to her, I'll be waiting till she wants to talk to me, I'm hoping she wants to talk to me", Uncle Jeong just nodded and went upstairs.


"Jen, Lisa is here, she came for her things, care to explain to me what's going on?" Jennie was getting ready to go to the party, "Nothing is on, all her things are outside, we need time apart and I think I'm breaking up with her later on", Mr. Jeong looked at Jennie "Jen, you always have been stubborn, you push people out of your life, just like that, it's not the first time but you could regret this, and realize you were wrong when it's late already, she is a good girl, she loves you", Jennie looked at him "I don't love her, I don't have feelings for her, no reason to keep fooling her", Mr. Jeong just shook his head.

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