40. Kiss & Make Up (Be mine)

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Jennie felt terrible, she decided to call Lisa, she dialed a few times but she didn't answer, either she was busy or just avoiding her.

What Jisoo said was true, she was acting all immature, she didn't have the right to act like that towards Lisa, she is her friend, actually best friend, and she just tried to explain herself.

She went to her office, it was still early, she used to leave around 8pm, but she wasn't there, she asked around but nobody knew if she left or if she would comeback.

She texted her, she tried to talk to her but somehow she couldn't, maybe Lisa was avoiding her.

Nini 🖤

Hey Lili, I'm sorry, I regret everything I said to you, every single thing that came out from my mouth when you were trying to explain everything to me, I have been calling you, but maybe you are busy or you just don't want to talk to me,  I don't blame you, I'm just a dumb girl, a stupid one that can't control her emotions and ends up ruining everything, please I want to talk to you, call me or text me, please, I'm begging you.

Minutes passed and she didn't get a reply, she hurt her best friend and the person she loves the most, she probably will avoid her from now on. Then when she went inside her office to gather her things she heard a notification from her phone, She looked for it and saw that Lisa sent a text to her.

Lili Monkey 💗🙈

It's ok, you were just saying the way you feel, I'm sorry for being too much and annoy you, and I think right now I don't want to talk to you, we talked enough already don't you think?, maybe we need some time apart, I'll be busy with the commercials and you are the CEO, you have better things to do than talk or even care about me, I know where is my place, you aren't stupid, don't say that again, maybe we can't talk later on, I already left for today, and well I don't know what else to say, so see you around.

This was it, Lisa didn't want to talk to her, she probably would keep her distance from her, she was crying again, she took all her things and hugged her yellow hoodie, "Why are you so stupid Jennie Ruby Jane Kim?, you can handle a big corporation but not your emotions" she said for herself.


The next day she woke up early, she was a crying mess almost all nite, she didn't get dinner and went straight to her room, she woke up with puffy eyes and just think about Lisa made her feel like dying, she called Jisoo to tell her she didn't feel well and she would stay home, she asked her to deliver papers if they needed to be signed and send everything to her email, she would be working from home, Jisoo didn't ask her anything, she knew what was going on already.

Mr. Jeong knocked on Jennie's door"Jennie what's wrong, why are you here and not at work, do you feel well?" He asked, "Uncle I just don't feel well, I'll work from here, my assistant will deliver some papers, and could you just get everything?, I promise I'll talk to you later on" She said and Mr. Jeong nodded.


Lisa arrived early to work, and she almost stops when she was about to get coffee for Jennie, but she thought it was better to get her something and talk to her, when she arrived to the CEOs floor Krystal was already there, "Hi Krys! Do you know if Jennie is in her office already?", "Lis she won't come to work today, she called to say she was sick and would stay at home but call her", Lisa nodded "Thank you Krystal, see you later and I brought you some coffee", Krystal got super happy "Thank you Lis!!"

Why she didn't come to work?, is she really sick or she is avoiding me?, it's my fault I should have talked to her yesterday, She thought for herself.

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