7. Jimin's hero

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The lessons were over and Jimin was standing in front of the school watching Suga's car while overthinking it all again

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The lessons were over and Jimin was standing in front of the school watching Suga's car while overthinking it all again. Now after some hours his last night's behavior seemed so ridiculous as he has what? Just given away his body to a total stranger.

How stupid am I, thought Jimin feeling a tear rolling down his cheek.

Today all his classmates have been quiet, none has even approached him or called him any names, all of them staring at his neck though, whispering to each other and he hated it. He hated himself, feeling so dirty in his skin all of the sudden.

"Has your gay boyfriend dumped you after just a day Park!" shouted Junoh the leader of the bullies from his class passing him to press his elbow in between his ribs so painfully Jimin crouched on the pavement.

"He is definitely selling his body for money to old needy pricks. Who would touch him willingly," laughed Dawoon kicking his butt heavily, now six of the boys circling around him each pressing  their shoes into him painfully so Jimin curled up into himself trying to protect his face and head for the kicks.

The pain so insane and they weren't stopping until Junoh's cry rang the air.

The hits on him stopped and Jimin looked up to see Suga knocking Junoh off his feet with one swift move. The other boys ran when Junoh was squealing begging for help.

"Does it hurt!" Yelled Suga. "You asshole it doesn't hurt enough!"

"Please. Please Mr. let me go!" Big tears were rolling down Junoh's face when Jimin collected himself from the ground.

The school guard was hurrying their way so Suga let go of Junoh sending him a killer glance.

"Touch Jimin again and I won't be that nice," he hissed.

"What's happening here?" Asked the guard reaching them.

"This delinquent here has harassed a fellow student," Suga lifted Junoh up by his ear causing the boy to squeal and wince again. "Report him to the headmaster," Suga pushed him into the guard's hands.

"Has the man beaten you up?" Asked the guard scanning Junoh.

"The boy slipped," said Suga emphasizing the last word. "Right?"

"Yes Mr. I slipped," assured Junoh nodding eagerly.

Jimin even chuckled despite the severe pain all over his body, he has always dreamt to see Junoh being kicked in his ugly ass by someone. Mr. Suga was really his hero.

"Boy are you ok? I've seen six classmates kicking you," Suga's firm hand landed on Jimin's shoulder.

"Ok," whispered Jimin using his sleeve to dry his face.

"Really? Six classmates have attacked him?" Asked the guard.

"How are you doing your work sir to not to notice something like that? Are you blind or something. The next time I will report on you," Suga raised his voice so the guard began to apologize.

"Sir I will rise up my efforts."

"So bring that filthy bully to the principal," Suga crossed his arms and the guard nodded dragging Junoh into the building.

"Jimin are you really ok? I can take you to a doctor," Suga's worried eyes fell on him the moment the two were to far from them to hear.

Jimin shook his head sniffing.

"If you could bring me home it will be enough. I'm too much in pain to walk to the bus stop."

"Come," Suga supported him under the arm leading him to the SUV and Jimin was thankful.

Inside, Jimin buckled the seatbelt then leaned into the seat crying silently.

Suga started the car driving off immediately and Jimin was thinking about the quarrel awaiting him at home if he comes back in this state. His parents will definitely be mad for his school uniform to get dirty, like the last time it has happened, when they told him off for ruining the vest and shirt instead of even mentioning his bruises. The fear in his stomach rising with every passed mile so he closed his eyes trying to imagine Mr. Jeon's kisses from last night, the feeling of his warm arms closely wrapped around him.

"Jimin we're here," said Suga after some time stopping the car so Jimin sighed opening his eyes turning his head to see Mr. Jeon's prestigious villa behind the car windows.

"Wh... why are we here?" He asked his heartbeat becoming uneven.

"I guess you need someone to really take care of you now and I only know one person who will do it properly," Suga's dark eyes were serious landing on him.

At that Jimin broke down completely sobbing into his sleeves.

"Jimin, it's ok... we will get you out of that hell, me and Mr. Jeon, promise," he felt a warm hand caressing over his hair in an almost fatherly way and Jimin fell into Suga's arms sobbing more.

It was a long time of just him crying and Suga holding him until Jimin calmed down enough to pull back.

"Thank you," he whispered.

"No problem. Go, I think Mr. Jeon is already here," Suga looked up and Jimin saw a black car with darkened widows coming in through the gate, the butlers hurrying towards it.

"Come, we will wait inside," Suga opened the car door so Jimin followed turning around many times to try to distinguish something but the windows of the limo weren't allowing any secret to be revealed.

Jimin sighed entering the villa seeing the same butler as last night hurrying to him with the big box. He reached inside, his hand closing on a blindfold from fluffy plush with a happy fox face. He sniffed again taking it out giving Mr. Suga a faint smile before following the butler into a golden elevator.

 Suga a faint smile before following the butler into a golden elevator

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Thank you so much for your support. I hope you like the story so far. What do you think of Jimin being so horribly treated by his classmates and Suga helping him? How will his second meeting with Mr. Jeon look like?

Much <3

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