64. Gasp

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The taste of Jungkook's kisses was glued to his lips and skin, yet so heartbreaking, each passing mile heavier, Mr

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The taste of Jungkook's kisses was glued to his lips and skin, yet so heartbreaking, each passing mile heavier, Mr. Suga was suddenly stuck in some massive traffic over the bridge.
Faster, Jungkook was waiting, or was it his heart betraying him again so he wanted the way to pass quickly, to remember Jungkook's kisses, to not to change his mind.

Friday morning becoming so vivid, him and Mr. Jeon cuddling unable to let go, confessing. Was he in love with a faceless man, way more than he has ever been into his handsome classmate?

No, Jungkook is the one. Your kisses were amazing, you couldn't unglue, right? It's because he has something like Mr. Jeon in his kiss. Or are all kisses the same? Does everyone has the same taste?

"Mr. Suga have you kissed more than one person in your life?" Asked Jimin seeing the cars in front of them rolling in a snail tempo.

"Yes, why?" Suga chuckled.

"No, just. Do all kisses taste the same?"

"Kind of," Suga laughed.

"I mean it's the taste of saliva, right? So it should taste approximately the same," muttered Jimin when Suga burst out with laughter.

"Ah, being a teenager. So good I have it long behind me."

Jimin blushed staying quiet over analyzing it again and again yet there was no way around it, the more the villa was nearing the more anxious he was becoming.

Was it even possible to just go in there now and tell Mr. Jeon what, that they're over for real, that they will never meet again, that Jungkook is waiting for him on some abandoned car park. If he was still waiting?

The posh neighborhood he learned to love, that has been his only real home flashing by the windows and Jimin felt tears rolling down his cheeks he washed off with Mr. Jeon's hoodie finding his scent on it, which opened a hollow deeply inside him.

No, it couldn't be happening, Jungkook was waiting, they were supposed to become boyfriends and they could work out for real, a classmate and a classmate, not a billionaire and his bed toy, a grown up man and a teenage boy, yet his first love, his savior, his best friend in the whole wide world as no one has ever understood him like that, made him believe in himself again, believe in his dancing, apply for art school, abandon his toxic parents, feel worthy, smart, beautiful, his lover, his almost boyfriend, his dream future husband, his home.

I love Mr. Jeon, that thought popped up in his head so suddenly. Such a weird thought. He was here to say goodbye forever and Jungkook was waiting to become his real boyfriend.

"Jimin we're here," muttered Suga, his gaze really worried. "Whatever happens here tonight please don't think bad about me," he said.

"I don't understand," Jimin's insides twisted.

"I guess Mr. Jeon is waiting for you," Suga avoided his gaze.

"I will never be ready," muttered Jimin looking at the lit up villa opening the car door, his legs barely carrying him.

The same butler opened the door for him, but instead or greeting him with a smile as he has always done, Jimin was met with his pale face.

"I... need to speak to Mr. Jeon," stuttered Jimin surprised the man wasn't holding the jewels incrusted box.

"Mr. Jeon is waiting for you on the terrace in front of the swimming pool and..." the man took a loud breath. "He said you shouldn't wear a blindfold."

"What!" Jimin covered his mouth in shock, he saw Suga slipping into the hall still not looking up at him.

Jimin's heart pounding when he turned towards the huge glass door in the far end of the corridor leading outside.

No, it couldn't be happening, he was here to say goodbye, Jungkook was waiting. What it Mr. Jeon's face will be scary or disappointing. What if it will make him stay, but maybe revealing the secret will finally put his heart at ease, so he took a long breath before slowly moving his legs, feet after feet towards the door, his vision darkening from stress, he needed to stop a few times and rest against the wall pressing his palm to his chest begging his heart to not to jump out.

What will I tell him? What do I want to tell him? Thought Jimin stopping at the glass door that opened automatically when he approached. It was nice and goodby... I love you. No! What if no matter how he will look like I already love him? That thought so scary Jimin was standing in front of the opened door not moving an inch but a shadow of a figure caused him to run onto the terrace and bow down ninety degrees.

"Mr. Jeon..." he said to his feet.

There was a loud gasp so Jimin risked to look up to see a tall man standing with his back facing him, one dressed in all black, with board shoulders and tight hips, with long dark hair falling down in curls, something in his posture so scary familiar.

"Mr. Jeon... I..." Jimin gulped when the man turned looking him straight in the eyes, big brown doe eyes.

" Jimin gulped when the man turned looking him straight in the eyes, big brown doe eyes

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Thank you so much for all the support and love you're giving this story. This week has been extremely busy so I will come to answer your lovely comments later this weekend. So what do you think about the chapter? Jimin coming to see Mr. Jeon? How will he react to the truth?

Much <3

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