23. Mystery

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"79 Centi and Eridani are both the systems with Earth like planets that seem promising and Alpha Centauri has a planet scientist predict could become a refuge for people in centuries

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"79 Centi and Eridani are both the systems with Earth like planets that seem promising and Alpha Centauri has a planet scientist predict could become a refuge for people in centuries. Science fiction writers love to predict all types of species living there. The telescope we have launched should give us an insight if the road to any of them shows a possibility to try to send out the first ever installer mission that way."

Jimin nodded, so the constellations on his blindfold weren't coincidental, each carried a deep meaning for Mr. Jeon, each was speaking about a dream of his.

"Uh..." Jimin sighed turning to Taehyung who chuckled.

"Thank you for explaining it so well Mrs. Guan," Jimin bowed.

"No problem, I hope you enjoyed the tour."

"Very," Jimin sent Taehyung a smile.

They said bye to the woman leaving the building.

"That's not the end of our surprise trip," said Taehyung raising his brow.

"Not the end?" Asked Jimin all excitedly.

"No, come with me," Taehyung grinned leading him behind the launching platform towards a path up the hill. The mountain behind the observatory was just grass and gray rocks so he was surprised by them taking that way up, both panting loudly, making short breaks to catch their breaths from time to time.

"Where are you leading me?" Jimin giggled.

"Don't be so curious," Taehyung kept walking until both reached the top of the mountain with a magnificent view over the shore and the ocean.

"Wow, so pretty," said Jimin taking his phone out to shoot a few pictures, just to remember those magical moments later in life.

"If you stopped playing tourist come here," said Taehyung so he ran to him seeing a thick picnic blanket spread out on the grass. It was overfilled with delicious food and drinks.

"Wow! That's so cool! Thank you," Jimin clapped.

"Thank him, he has asked to prepare it for you. I'm just fulfilling orders," Taehyung blushed.

"Thank you anyway for taking your time and making it such a beautiful afternoon."

"I guess my role ends here, good luck Jimin, have a lovely evening," Taehyung sent him a shy smile.

"Thank you again. Have a lovely evening too. Um... Taehyung will you come to my dance competition?"

"You've asked me once and I agreed, means I will be there."

"Just making sure," Jimin blushed.

Taehyung shook his head walking down the hill waving goodbye.

Jimin was standing there looking behind him until he disappeared from sight then he sat down on the blanket feeling so odd.

The sun was slowly setting and it was becoming chilly, yet he felt so peaceful and happy like he has never ever been before.

His phone vibrated so he took it out looking at the caller - Mr. Jeon.

"Hi," Jimin picked up trying to not to sound too flirty but he failed.

"Hi, how has the little trip been?"

"Amazing, I'm enjoying the view from up here."

"I'm happy. Serve yourself for the food and beverages but please don't lift the pink clothing yet, ok?"

"Ok," Jimin turned around to discover there has been something hidden underneath a large piece of pink fabric. "You're pretty mysterious Mr. Jeon," he laughed.

"Happened," he could imagine Mr. Jeon was blushing and damn, why did he imagine
Jungkook blushing.

"Jimin are you there?" Asked Mr. Jeon when he wasn't answering for a longer while.

"Yes," Jimin stuttered.

One day he will have to tell Mr. Jeon about Jungkook, maybe even better sooner than later.

"Help yourself to the food and enjoy the sunset."

"What about you?"

"What about me?" Mr. Jeon chuckled.

"Um... won't you join me?" Asked Jimin feeling a colder breeze coming from the ocean as the sun has now completely set.

"We will see about that, first enjoy the food and tell me about your day."

"Um... it was surprisingly good, especially the trip with Taehyung and my classmate... I mean they played an ugly prank on me but I'm fine."

"Oh, I'm so sorry to hear. How can I help?"

"It's ok, it wasn't so bad, I'm fine. Tell me about your day."

A silence fell on the other side.

"Um... I was preparing the picnic and surprise for you for later, other than that boring company stuff. I was missing you the whole day."

Their conversation was suddenly tense so Jimin sighed reaching for the food.

"The cupcakes are delicious Mr. Jeon," he changed the subject.

"I'm glad to hear," the man smiled for sure.

There was some awkward silence between them, Jimin chewing on the cupcakes and watching the darkness becoming complete around him, but some star like lamps lit up around the blanket making the place so romantic.

"Aren't you enjoying the meal?" Asked Mr. Jeon and Jimin was sure he must have been observing him from somewhere.

"I kind of can't focus on the food. It's weird to have a picnic alone."

"Right, sorry for that, I should have asked Tae to stay with you," Mr. Jeon seemed really sorry.

"Can we move to the next part of the evening?" Asked Jimin.

"Sure. Lift the pink fabric."

He did, quickly pulling it up to discover three boxes with the words "pleasure", "blindfold" and "solution" written on them.

He did, quickly pulling it up to discover three boxes with the words "pleasure", "blindfold" and "solution" written on them

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Thank you so much for your feedback. I really hope you are enjoying the story so far. What do you think about Jimin's observatory tour and his lonely picnic? What is in the mysterious boxes?

Much <3

Blindfolded by Mr. Jeon (Jikook)Where stories live. Discover now