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"Yes, the shuttered dream of my childhood and youth, the place I had wished to play at," Mr

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"Yes, the shuttered dream of my childhood and youth, the place I had wished to play at," Mr. Jeon approached as Jimin could feel his body heat. "But life had a different scenario for me. I have missed out on a spot in the junior team. The next year I retried but had a serious injury right before the most important tournament. My parents had a long conversation with me, it was baseball or college and I had the choice to try again and maybe fail big time or to study business at a prestigious university. I chose to play safe and now each time I'm here I'm thinking how life would have been if I had chosen to follow my passion."

Jimin sniffed, his heartbeat rapid as he would have never imagined someone like Mr. Jeon had been through such a hardship.

"Shush, it's past, life is here and now," warm hands tangled into his hair and he almost looked up but restrained himself in the last second becoming all terrified.

If he did it would be the first and last time of him seeing Mr. Jeon and he couldn't have that.

"Why is life so fucked up?" Asked Jimin looking towards the stadium, imagining a tall man with a face firmly hidden in the shadow of the baseball cap getting standing ovations in front of the packed up stadium.

"It mostly is, but it can have so much more. Some moments are worth to go through all the other shitty ones just to have them," Mr. Jeon suddenly kissed the top of his head and Jimin felt new tears storming his face.

Moments like that, moments to die for, just them in front of the whole city lost in each other.
Mr. Jeon stop being so perfect, I can't fall any harder, he thought. I'm into you so much you can't imagine.

"I am you, you are me," sang Jimin quietly.

"What is that?" Asked Mr. Jeon.

"A song I wrote once, I thought I will compose a song and make a choreography to it, but I gave in. Soon it will be me walking by the art university on my way to lawyer's school wishing I could have been a dancer," he sighed.

"Don't give in on your dream Jimin, don't be an idiot like me."

"What choice do I have. Today my parents have said they won't even pay for a dorm room for me so I won't be able to leave this hell, not even after graduation. Can you believe?"

"Jimin if it's about money..."

"No Mr. Jeon! I don't want your money!" Jimin cut him off.

He heard a loud sigh.

"You know I gladly help you in anything."

Jimin shivered.

"I am you, you are me right," he felt more kisses in his hair, Mr. Jeon's words bringing his stomach to an abrupt switch. "Jimin please pull the blindfold down I need to kiss you."

There was a burning scar inside him at those words yet he ignored fastening the blindfold on his eyes feeling Mr. Jeon checking if he really couldn't see anything.

That's why I wouldn't accept any financial help from you, because no matter how lovely you are I'm only a bed toy for you, it's only about the sex, thought Jimin bitterly.

"Would you like to go to mine or downstairs. This house belongs to me. I have bought it some time ago, as it was where me and Tae had shared an apartment during university times throwing loud parties and driving our neighbors insane," Mr. Jeon laughed. "Now we calmed down a lot though, became some mid-twenties boring old men."

Jimin nodded as he had no idea what to say, he has never been on a party, has had no social life at all. This here was the most exciting thing he has ever experienced, the most alive he has ever felt, his hands landing on Mr. Jeon's chest caressing down it when he turned around as the man's words caused burning jealousy to open up inside him. Those wild parties a young billionaire could throw were definitely leading to him sleeping with people and Jimin couldn't even breath properly at the perspective of Mr. Jeon touching or making love to someone else.

Yet Mr. Jeon's lips filled his in a deep kiss cutting his thoughts so he kissed back with all passion to show his lover that he could be way better than all those other people.

Mr. Jeon answered with equal fire pulling him to his body lifting him by his hips carrying somewhere when Jimin tangled his arms and legs around him like a koala burying his face into the crack of his neck.

They had been inside now as it became slightly warmer, Mr. Jeon stumbled over something slamming him against a mattress breaking out into laughter. Jimin shivered from all those twisted emotions pulling on Mr. Jeon's clothes to remove them quickly.

His own jacket and t-shirt letting go, the blindfold slipping a bit, but all he could catch were long fingers pulling it down.

Mr. Jeon stopped kissing him catching in heavy breaths.

"Mr. Jeon please take me," begged Jimin moaning, so those amazing lips returned to spoiling his neck, the rest of their clothes leaving in between those rushed touches and Mr. Jeon's bare body was so good laying on him pressing him even more into the mattress.

"I don't have a condom or lube, have it all at home," whispered Mr. Jeon when Jimin laughed, that a man like that wasn't carrying it around really meant something.

So he was the only one Mr. Jeon was seeing, right? His butterflies severe as it was so sweet.

"You know I love to feel you without layers," whispered Jimin playing with the man's soft hair.

"It might be painful."

"I love your type of pain, take me already," groaned Jimin.

Mr. Jeon chuckled kissing down his jaw and neck moving inside him swiftly and Jimin stretched on the bed yelling all possible curse words.

"Sorry Jiminie," Mr. Jeon kissed off his tears moving his hips in a steady rhythm, so Jimin dug his nails into his back trying to hold on until that amazing Jeon d* hit that spot sending a deconstruction wave along his legs.

"Damn! Like that!" Jimin arched his back feeling those deep thrust becoming deeper and he pulled Mr. Jeon to himself by his hair feeling his mouth all down to his throat playing with his tongue so deliciously, both kissing and kissing, moving their hips in synch, melting completely into each other, so deeply Jimin wasn't sure if a part of his soul hasn't slipped into Mr. Jeon and will forever reside inside him, belong to him only like all of him, his moaning loud between those open mouth kisses they couldn't stop, his mind so off producing an image of a young man above him giving him the face of that handsome stranger Jimin has seen in front of the school today, but had forgotten about completely in the uproar of all that has happened.

That perfect stranger with the most handsome face he has ever seen coming back from his unconsciousness and that stupid brain of his glued that face into his imaginary Mr. Jeon causing him to come so hard and spread into oblivion in all the need, longing, amazement and guilt, while Mr. Jeon continued to to rock his hips inside him for a very long time.

 Jeon continued to to rock his hips inside him for a very long time

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Thank you so much for your support. Did you like the chapter? What do you think about Jungkook's story, him giving up his dream and Jikook's hot time? How will they meeting at school turn out?

Much <3

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