29. It's complicated

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"Jimin wanted to come so we're here," Jungkook pulled him even closer to his body

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"Jimin wanted to come so we're here," Jungkook pulled him even closer to his body.

"Um... great, so as I have mentioned earlier it's my birthday today," Yeseong approached them so Jimin slipped from underneath Jungkook's arm feeling so uncomfortable so suddenly.

"Happy birthday," said Jungkook dryly reaching for a cup then filling it with water.

"I have better thing here," Yeseong pointed at the drinks.

"I'm driving," said Jungkook in the same cold way.

Jimin scooped to the side of the long kitchen counter unsure what to do. Maybe he should leave them here so they could flirt freely, then find a quiet corner and deal with his disappointment and heartbreak there.

"Oh, I get. Would you give me a birthday ride in that hot car?" Her fake nails caressed down Jungkook's chest and Jimin was sure she wasn't meaning riding the car.

"It's my father's car," said Jungkook stopping her hand when she wanted to reach any lower and  Jimin's blood boiled.

Don't touch my man, screamed his stupid mind. You're so hopeless Jimin, he thought.

"Doesn't matter, I haven't received a birthday present from you, so how about a kiss," she suddenly moved on her tiptoes stretching her lips out towards Jungkook and Jimin was sure he will die from anger, frustration and jealousy.

"I'm gay," said Jungkook moving from her so she lost balance grabbing the counter to not to fall.

"What!" She screamed.

"What?" Asked Jimin buffed.

"I'm gay, I have been out since the age of fifteen and I'm proud about my life choices and my sexuality," said Jungkook so casually Jimin needed to collect his jaw from the floor when Yeseong's hateful glance landed on him.

"Of course," she hissed. "Of course, could have thought, as you have only eyes for him," some tears rolled down her face when she passed them running out of the room all her friends following.

Jungkook looked at Jimin sending him a warm smile.

"Water or a drink?" He asked.

"Water is fine. I've never drunk alkohol," stuttered Jimin feeling heat on his face.

Jungkook chuckled filling another cup, bringing to him stopping at the counter so close their arms nearly brushed sending glittering stars into Jimin's system.

He saw Junoh walking by showing him and ugly hand gesture he completely ignored. Today not even Junoh could bother him. His gaze meeting Jungkook's and he was drowning completely, like never before, not even with Mr. Jeon.

You've never looked into his eyes, what if they're as pretty, he reminded himself. Don't think about your secret lover tonight, it's here and now only.

"Can I ask you a thing?" Jimin began to play with the cup rather than looking at Jungkook.

"Sure, ask me anything."

"How have you managed to come out? Was it difficult? How have you told your parents."

The heat on Jimin's face was severe but he has never met a gay person his age who has been past being closeted so he could possibly find some answers.

"Why are you asking?"

"I'm gay myself, but I never had the courage to tell anyone. I guess Junoh and the boys suspect it that's why they are bullying me. I had a few moments when I wanted to tell my mum but I was always too afraid," Jimin gulped nervously.

"Telling the parents is really the worst," Jungkook smiled to his memories. "I always had been attracted to boys, but when I was fifteen I had a short fling with a classmate. We ended up kissing in the school backyard, meeting up after classes to sneak out to secluded parks in the city an make out, so I wanted to tell my parents, to not to hide such a big part of my personality from them. First I told my best friend to let's say prove the waters. He was really understanding, said he has suspected that for ages, so I came to the conclusion my parents might know too. In the evening I came to them, asked if they can sit down in the dining room and talk. I told them, mum, dad, I have a crush from my class, but it's a boy and I think I'm gay. I know I have too little life experience to judge or grasp my sexuality fully but that's how I'm feeling right now."

"And? What did they do?" Jimin suddenly couldn't breath properly imagining how badly his father would beat him up if he said something like that, how much his mother would yell and look at him disgusted.

"They were ok, I really have amazing parents. They said they want me to be happy and if being with that boy makes me happy it's fine for them. My sexuality doesn't matter, my happiness matters. I think this was the most important thing to hear for me. To know I have their full support no matter what I do or choose. That thing with the boy didn't last long, after two weeks he has told me he's not gay and prefers girls, so I was heartbroken but dealt. I believe he might have received some hate or bullying because of that, so he decided to close himself for his true sexuality. I actually felt sorry for him seeing him forcing himself to date girls through the rest of high school, but it was his choice. I was seeing a few other boys the next years but nothing lasted for long. I guess I haven't met the right one yet," Jungkook's warm eyes landed on him catching glitters. "Until now," he said and Jimin's heartbeat became rapid as what was that supposed to mean. "What about you? What's your story?"

Jimin blushed lowering his head feeling Mr. Jeon's kisses all over his skin and him pressing him to the blanket last night, pinning his wrist up and giving him rough right amazing pleasure.
His tall posture on the hill when the helicopter landed, the board shoulders and the fine line of his back, the way his hoodies were so warm wrapping Jimin up in a perfect shield, his intoxicating scent, the temperature of his palms, the taste of his lips, the silky structure of his hair, his angelic singing voice so different from that low tone he was speaking with.

"It's really complicated, I'd rather not talk about it yet," whispered Jimin turning to Jungkook.

The boy nodded lifting his palm to caress his thumb over Jimin's cheek, the gesture so gentle Jimin could melt to pieces.

"Would you like to dance?" Asked Jungkook pointing his head to the middle of the room where the crowd was bouncing to the music.

"Would you like to dance?" Asked Jungkook pointing his head to the middle of the room where the crowd was bouncing to the music

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Thank you so much for your feedback. I hope you enjoyed the chapter? What do you think about Jungkook talking to Jimin about his sexuality and his life story? Will Jimin agree to dance with his crush?

Much <3

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