56. Lost

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The punching bag was swinging in the air, Jungkook's breath rapid, his fists in pain from hitting yet he couldn't find release, the sweat dripping off his face and hair sticking to his t-shirt almost unpleasantly

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The punching bag was swinging in the air, Jungkook's breath rapid, his fists in pain from hitting yet he couldn't find release, the sweat dripping off his face and hair sticking to his t-shirt almost unpleasantly.

The gym doors opened then fell shut and Jungkook grabbed the punching bag before throwing the gloves on the floor and flipping his hair off his face to get some clear vision back.

Taehyung was dressed in a long gray coat, elegant as always when he stopped in front of him.

"What?" Jungkook reached for his water bottle, he was so pissed off at his best friend for making it extremely hard for him today.

Taehyung was quiet so Jungkook closed the bottle slamming it through the room.

"You really thought this was funny, those stupid things you have said!" He hissed but Taehyung was watching him in the same calm way. "Damn, what if Jimin had found out because of that! Asking me what university I'm planning to attend, really?"

"What if he asks you? What if he will start to ask you actual questions about who you are? Would like to see your family, your private life?"

The questions like knives aiming to kill so Jungkook's blood boiled.

"Don't you think I have asked myself those things a million times. I have a plan, ok. Next week I will start to date Jimin as Jungkook, no more Mr. Jeon."

"You are Mr. Jeon," said Taehyung.

"Listen! I damn never hit my best friend but don't provoke me tonight!"

"You can put your lame acts, your horrible plans and your unworthy threats up your ass," Taehyung emphasized the last word. "I will not continue to play that game with you. I'm done. What I have seen today was more than enough for me. I have known you since middle school and I thought I knew who you are, but you are a complete stranger. I don't want to be friends with someone like that," Taehyung was speaking when Jungkook's jaw trembled so suddenly. "Jimin is the purest, most talented, sensitive and amazing person I've ever met, a real angel. He deserves the world, not a hardship like that, the only person he has ever trusted and loved to lie to him so horribly and play games with his heat without even a grimace. I came to tell you that I'll stop being your friend unless you clear that thing without breaking Jimin's heart. Don't bother to text or call," Taehyung sent him a deadly serious gaze then turned abruptly leaving the gym slamming the doors shut, their hard bang caused tears to storm out of Jungkook's eyes.

"Tae..." his whisper so faintly, no he couldn't have lost his very best friend, his brother since middle school.

What if one day Jimin will walk out of his life that, he couldn't even survive thinking about that as it was causing his breath to stop and such severe pain in his chest he crouched down trying to catch some air.

The ringing of his phone like out of this world, Jungkook's legs wobbly reaching the speaker to see it was Dahee's one giving out rapid sounds, the caller Jimin.

Jungkook dried his face with his t-shirt, then opened the texts messages.

'I'm taking a shower will call you back in a few minutes,' he sent the message hoping Jimin won't be too mad, he couldn't pick up in that state, there was no logical explanation for it, another trap he was leading himself and Jimin into, as Taehyung has been more than right. Was stepping so deeply into another lie a solution or a rope to hang yourself on?

He couldn't have lost Tae, what will he do without his best friend? Jungkook sniffed taking the phone walking towards the showers to let the warm stream wash off his sweat and tears.

He was wearing a comfortable hoodie and sweatpants when he reached the limo, telling the driver to turn some nostalgic playlist on, while he fell on the backseat dialing Jimin's number from Dahee's phone.

"Hi Jungkook, I'm sorry for bothering. I know is late... um," Jimin seemed tense.

"It's fine. Sorry for not picking up earlier. How are you. Are the roses still blooming," Jungkook tried to force an unbothered cheerful tone.

"Yes, I'm looking at them now. They're on the table in front of me," Jimin sighed.

"Cool... um... have you done your homework? I kind of did it all," Jungkook was cursing himself at that awkward lame talk, but he really had no idea what to say.

"Um... tomorrow I still have the whole day... so... I will do it then," muttered Jimin.

"Good so," Jungkook sighed.

"Um... sorry for calling that late."

"No, it's really fine," Jungkook became so nervous.

Why couldn't they even talk normally? His chauffeur turned wishing to ask if he should start the car.


Jungkook placed his finger on his mouth giving the man a sign to shut up and freaking don't interfere.

"Um Jungkook can you sing?" Asked Jimin quietly.


"No I was just wondering if you could sing something for me."

"Uh..." Jungkook's heartbeat became rapid, Jimin would definitely recognize his singing voice. "You're sitting next to me in music class, you know exactly that I can't sing," he played it cool, Taehyung's words ringing in his head, raising the guilt.

"I've actually never heard you singing in music class, you're doing it too quietly," Jimin giggled.

"Because I'm embarrassed."

"Now I'm even more curious."

Jungkook sighed.

"Ok, but don't laugh," he began to sing all loudly and wrongly, yelling like an idiot in the car feeling so ashamed in front of his chauffeur who was trying his best to keep a straight face.

"Stop! Stop! Please stop! It's ok," begged Jimin, both breaking out with laughter. "You definitely won't be the one singing for our future kids... I mean. Goodnight!"

Thank you so much for your support and over 100K reads on the story

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Thank you so much for your support and over 100K reads on the story. You are amazing 💜
I will prepare a double update as a thank you gift soon.

So what do you think about the chapter, Tae abandoning Jungkook and Jikook's conversation? How will Jungkook react to Jimin's words?

Much <3

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