Author's note

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Dear Readers,

Thank you so much for this amazing journey. I have ran out of words to describe how thankful I am for the support you have given me throughout this book. My heart is filled with gratitude, you are the best. I purple you💜💜💜
Thank you for each read, vote and comment💜
It extremely difficult to write that author's note as because of your feedback this book forever has a special place in my heart. I will miss writing and sharing it.
At this place I'd like to find out your thoughts about the completed story. Who was your favorite character? What was your favorite scene? I know it has been a roller coaster ride especially towards the end and that both main characters made many mistakes they learned from.
I hope you still enjoyed no matter the characters' and the author's flaws😂 The next chapter will introduce my upcoming story I will start to post this Saturday.

Thank you, thank you, thank you again. I'm wishing you all the best and I hope we will meet again in another book.

With love
Little Lion

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