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"I think leaving the bedroom tomorrow morning is unrealistic," Jimin giggled

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"I think leaving the bedroom tomorrow morning is unrealistic," Jimin giggled.

It was around two am and they had finally managed to put something on after an extra long and double steamy shower, so they were cuddling on the bed wearing bathrobes now.

"A morning in two days than?" Jungkook raised his brow.

"Next week," Jimin blushed.

"Should I cancel my company schedules?" Jungkook reached for his phone.

"Can you?" Jimin's toes began to dance.

"If you're wiggling you're cute toes from excitement it's so worth to quit them," Jungkook grinned texting Dahee to tell, he won't be in the company tomorrow when Jimin's butterflies became crazy.

Did it mean he had his man in this bedroom for the whole day tomorrow? Awwww, he will go crazy!

"I love you," Jimin pecked his lips cuddling to his chest, both getting lost for a deep tongue filled kiss, pulling back just to reconnect their lips.

Was it an addiction? Was it unhealthy, but Jimin wouldn't trade it for anything in the world.

"What about your school?" Asked Jungkook after a while of just kissing.

"Ah school, you know, Tae can convince Mr. Seokjin to give me a free week. I bet he has nice ways to convince him. I can show you a few if you like," Jimin raised his brow biting on his lower lip playfully.

"You're so..." Jungkook sighed.

"How?" Jimin skipped on his lap nuzzling their noses together.

"Amazing," Jungkook grinned.

"Nah, I'm just Jimin," he blushed more.

"The best," Jungkook began to play with his earlobe between his fingers how he loved to.

"I wonder what they have sent me," Jimin suddenly sighed remembering something.


"The art school. They have sent me letter. I'm carrying it around since Saturday but I didn't have the courage to open it."

"Why?" Asked Jungkook buffed.

"I was afraid I won't stand the rejection especially on Saturday when my life and future perspectives were still looking pretty miserably, not like right now," Jimin became giggly, what nonsense was he just telling.

"It might be important to check it," muttered Jungkook becoming serious.

"What if they reject me?"

"Then you can try again next year. There are many chances in life."

Jimin nodded totally stunned as he hasn't really thought about that earlier.

"Thank you for giving me so much courage and making me believe in my dreams again," whispered Jimin caressing over Jungkook's face.

"You are my biggest dream, so..." Jungkook blushed.

"I love you," Jimin connected their lips for a deep kiss that could express it way better than his words.

They pulled back looking at each other and Jimin needed a moment to move from Jungkook's lap, trip over the bed then catch his balance again and run to the backpack to rumble through it.

"I found!" He returned to the bed sitting down next to Jungkook, resting his head against his shoulder then slowly tearing the envelope open, his heartbeat rapid, his hands trembling.

"Ok, I'm ready," Jimin took a loud breath opening the letter reading through it.

We would gladly inform... your audition video successful... we are looking forward to have you as our student in the academic year...

He was reading through the letter not really understanding the words, rereading again.

"Jungkook, I got in. I got in!" Jimin squealed jumping up on the bed falling over the man to hug him tightly.

"Congratulations, I'm so proud of you," whispered Jungkook cuddling to him when Jimin felt like tearing up as he has always wished to hear those words, to have someone like that, proud of him.

"Thank you! Thank you Jungkook, it's only because of you, as you have convinced me to apply. Now I have such an amazing reason to pass all my final exams with top grades, I will learn even harder starting today."

"So I should go to the company?" Jungkook raised his brow.

"Ah!" Jimin sighed. "Today I can make an exception."

Jungkook giggled kissing his cheek.

"I love you so much, you can't imagine."

"I can as I love you as much," Jimin blushed cuddling back to Jungkook's side staring at the letter finally feeling so proud of himself.

"So I will have a student boyfriend soon," Jungkook cleared his throat.

"I can't believe it yet, it feels unreal that I can go to art school and become a dancer, that I can finally move out of my parents."

"Yes about that..." Jungkook looked at him shyly. "I mean my old apartment is comfortable and you will have your own practice room there, a perfect spot to live the adult life..."

"But?" Jimin raised his brow.

"How do you know there's a but?"

"Come on I know you for quite a while," Jimin shook his head.

"Ok, so... wouldn't this house be a bit more comfortable. I mean I will give you privacy and space, not bother you more than necessary... I can even give you a separate bedroom... I mean... I'd prefer to share this one, yet... but if you want to try out the adult life on your own in my old apartment I will fully understand."

Jimin giggled, Jungkook was so funny struggling so hard.

"Are you trying to ask me to move in with you?"

"Yes," Jungkook took a loud breath in.

He was suddenly that awkward student boy he fell for since day one.

"I mean I could stay there but it wouldn't be too economical, as either I would come here every night or you would be going there," Jimin's cheeks were already hurting from smiling.

"I agree it wouldn't be economical at all," Jungkook began to play with his bathrobe string when Jimin returned to that comfortable position on his lap.

"So?" Jungkook looked at him, Jimin melting completely.

"I guess it means I'm taking that side of the bed and you have to make room for my cosmetics on the shelf in the bathroom again," Jimin grinned caressing over Jungkook's hair.

"I guess it means I'm taking that side of the bed and you have to make room for my cosmetics on the shelf in the bathroom again," Jimin grinned caressing over Jungkook's hair

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Much <3

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