32. Helping Mr. Jeon

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Jungkook was quiet unsure how to act or what to tell, he admired Jimin's loyalty and honesty

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Jungkook was quiet unsure how to act or what to tell, he admired Jimin's loyalty and honesty. This was so precious.

"Thank you for telling me. I'm glad you can trust me," whispered Jungkook pulling the boy back into his arms.

"But you can't trust me," Jimin sniffed.

"Why? Are you seeing this Jungkook that way?"

"No, Mr. Jeon, I'm not a person who would be sleeping with two guys at once. That would be cheating. I haven't even kissed him and I'm not planning to until I figure out my own heart and who I like more, you or him."

Jungkook lifted his head looking at Jimin stunned, wow, he has really found the best possible man.

"Jimin I admire you even more now."

"Why?" Asked Jimin buffed.

"You're just precious. Your pure heart and honesty are exceptional. I can be calm now knowing you will definitely handle it amazingly and make the best choice for yourself."

"What if I choose him?" Asked Jimin really quietly.

"Then he must be damn sure to make you the happiest other than that he will have to deal with me."

"Mr. Jeon."


"Why are you so accepting, even though I have told you I have a crush on someone else."

"You have also told me you have a crush on me," Jungkook chuckled pecking Jimin's lips.

"Ah, Mr. Jeon, you're so," Jimin sighed.


"Amazing," Jimin cuddled back into him.

"I'm glad to hear," Jungkook laughed caressing the boy's back and sides thinking hard how to find a way to make him ever accept that his high school crush and secret lover are the same person.

The moment Jimin saw Jungkook's smiling face on Monday morning a hollow of guilt opened up inside him, as Jungkook has been sending him a few cute texts and he has what, spent the whole weekend in Mr. Jeon's villa getting spoiled by Mr. Suga, Taehyung and his workers, not even starting with Mr. Jeon's soft and rough love, he could barely walk again and even though his body was playing crazy, was counting hours to be in his lover's arms again he knew it had to end.

Jungkook deserved better, Mr. Jeon deserved better than him being torn between a mad longing and his heart falling deeper and deeper in love for both.

I need to stop seeing Mr. Jeon, he thought watching Jungkook sprinting his way with a wide grin and shyly squeezing his hand hello.

So he was even more torn hours later when he was leaving the library to meet Jungkook on the front car park as they decided to go grab some dinner together, and it was PE class now, his time to revise for tests and do homework in the calm silence of the reading room, but his phone rang, the caller Mr. Jeon.

"Hi," Jimin picked up heavy hearted ignoring the mad twists in his insides and the scratching in his throat.

"Hi angel, how's your day?" Mr. Jeno's tone was melodic, it meant he was happy. Happy to call his Jimin.

The boy chuckled leaning against the pillar in front of the library building trying his best to ignore the memories of Mr. Jeon's kisses all over his body that that voice has awakened.

"Quite good actually, I managed to do all my homework and learn to all my tests. I received an A+ in maths," Jimin was again drawn into that feeling of total serenity and comfort as each time when he was speaking to Mr. Jeon.

Why with Jungkook it was mostly all tense and awkward?

"You're a little genius so I'm not too surprised," Mr. Jeon was definitely smiling. "Um... Jimin I'm calling to ask you, do you have any plans for this afternoon?"

Jimin's heartbeat sped up. He was going out for dinner with Jungkook, although he shouldn't, right? Or rather he should tell Mr. Jeon it's over here and now.

"A friend asked me to have dinner together," he said feeling his heart pounding in his chest.

"That Jungkook guy?" Asked Mr. Jeon.

"Yes," Jimin blushed terribly. "Are you mad?"

"Jimin, I'm not in a position to be mad at you for anything. Besides, how can you figure out who you like more without spending time with both of us. I just thought you could help me in something today, but no problem."

"No, Mr. Jeon! Tell me what do you need help in."

"Um... As you know the telescope will dock at the Mars Station in two days and it's crazy in the company, really. They need me to be there till late hours today, but I had my weekly Open Heart day. I can not attend that schedule and I was wondering if you would like to do it instead of me."

"What is an Open Heart day?" Asked Jimin becoming so nervous, was Mr. Jeon really willing to include him into his important stuff.

"Once a week I'm going out to personally provide food, blankets, clothing and toiletries to the homeless. They know me and my assistant will go with you, you don't need to worry. Would it be okay for you to go there today. It might be after your dinner, whenever you're free."

Jimin opened his mouth then closed it again, his heart almost bursting because how could that amazing man become any more amazing.

"Of course Mr. Jeon I will be honored to do it. Um... can I invite Jungkook to come with me? I mean, you would need any helping hand, right?"

He heard a long sigh on the other side.

"I begin to hate that Jungkook with great passion," Mr. Jeon laughed.

"If it's not ok, I'll go alone," stuttered Jimin feeling so bad so suddenly.

"No, it's fine. Take him with you. Those aren't the safest parts of the city so maybe it's even better that you will be assisted by two men. So my assistant will pick you both up from school."

"Actually Jungkook has a car so it's enough if you'll give me the address," whispered Jimin cursing at himself for being an idiot.

"Sure. Thank you so much Jimin, I owe you big time. You're my angel. Let me know how it went and see you tonight until then I will miss you."

"Um... about tonight... Mr. Jeon?" Jimin heard the sound of an ended call so he sighed loudly.

Great how will he tell Mr. Jeon that he won't come, not tonight, not tomorrow night, never again.

First he needed to tell Jungkook that they're not going for dinner but for a mission and he needed a damn good excuse whom he is helping.

First he needed to tell Jungkook that they're not going for dinner but for a mission and he needed a damn good excuse whom he is helping

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Thank you so much for your feedback. Did you like the chapter? What do you think about Jungkook telling himself out of the situation and his request to Jimin? How will Jikook's mission go?

Much <3

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