66. Static

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"It's ok," Hoseok nodded so he began to talk really quietly about that day months ago when Suga appeared in front of his school with an unusual request, his story continuing through meeting Tae, then Mr

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"It's ok," Hoseok nodded so he began to talk really quietly about that day months ago when Suga appeared in front of his school with an unusual request, his story continuing through meeting Tae, then Mr. Jeon for their first night.

Hoseok's eyes widening in shock when he was talking and talking about seeing Jungkook in front of the school, falling so hard, about the most beautiful moments in his life, watching the city from the rooftop of Mr. Jeon's old house, the hill above the observatory where he has reached the furthest stars in the universe, him and Jungkook dancing on the party, then him and Mr. Jeon having mad love in the car. That moment when the telescope crushed and he was the only one Mr. Jeon allowed to cheer him up, the teddybear he has bought that was until now residing on Mr. Jeon's bedside table. Them visiting his company during the field trip, Jungkook kissing him out of the blue and him struggling so hard to find out who he wants more, him and Jungkook giving packages for the homeless and Mr. Jeon taking his application papers for art school to bring them to the office in time. The dance competition where Jungkook has come with a huge bouquet of roses, their deep talk in Taehyung's apartment, the hickey he was so afraid to show to Mr. Jeon and that last week of just making love to not to miss out on any moment with Mr. Jeon, their devastating goodbye, the date Jungkook came late to. Has it really been just this evening? Them kissing almost becoming boyfriends, but... him driving through the night with Suga to the villa and Mr. Jeon waiting for him on the terrace without a blindfold.

"And then he turned and it was Jungkook. Can you believe. It has been Jungkook from the start. He has never been a real student, he has just pretend to... I don't know why," Jimin hugged the pillow tighter feeling new tears.

"To get to know you," whispered Hoseok raising unwanted butterflies in his stomach.

"What do you mean?" Asked Jimin buffed.

"I mean the guy must be into you crazily to do stuff like that, even go back to school, sit through Mr. Seokjin lectures, take on Junoh, do homework after his work hours all to spend time with you."

Jimin's heartbeat became so uneven.

"If he was really into me he wouldn't have lied. Would have shown me his real face."

"I guess at some point he had no idea how without hurting you or making a complete idiot of himself. I'm not defending him, what he did was... damn it deserved an Oscar," Hoseok chuckled.

"He never loved me, he was just having his laugh about how naive I am, playing with me," whispered Jimin.

"I'm not so sure, I'd say only a guy madly in love would do a thing like tha..."

The door opened with impact and Jimin's mother fell into the room.

"Are you guys done?" She asked.

"Almost. It will take about five more minutes," said Hoseok.

She tossed both a killer glance walking out slamming the door shut with impact.

"Um... I'll get going," Hoseok turned finding a pice of paper and a pen on Jimin's desk scribbling something down. "Here's my number, in case you need someone please call anytime."


"Jimin I have watched Junoh and the boys bully you for too long, I should've done something earlier but I was a coward. The way Jungkook was treating you made me realize that I have been an idiot for not standing up against them to defend you, so I want to repay for my wrong behavior in the past."

Jimin opened his mouth then closed it again as no words came out.

"Before I go please promise me that you won't try to kill yourself again no matter what," Hoseok's eyes were really serious so Jimin lowered his head trembling. "Please, I will not be able to go or find peaceful sleep, I will be too worried about you."

Jimin sighed looking up at Hoseok.

"Ok," he muttered.


"I promise," Jimin kept Hoseok's stare.

"Ok, so see you... ah, and I'm taking this," Hoseok hid the scissors in his pocket before walking to the door then leaving the room closing the door carefully.

A scary silence fell and new tears rolled down Jimin's face. His phone began to buzz in his jeans and he reached for it to see it was Mr. Jeon calling, his heart sliced by such pain he pointed at the number then pressed block and report doing the same with Jungkook's number, his body shivering like by some fever when he threw the phone on the duvet then began to sob quietly.

Two months flew by so quickly, yet in a way they felt like the two longest months in Jimin's life, that dead static he was in draining all strength off his body, so he was barely eating or sleeping, had no more strength to dance, just simply survive without reason. Go to school, return home, close himself in his room then cry. His grades fell miserably, but he has never cared less. He might as well fail final exams which were approaching, wouldn't change a thing though, as he was stuck in his nightmare life with his parents forever.

Only Hoseok keeping him above the edge with his unexpected friendship. Jimin's self harm incidents becoming so frequent, yet it was the only release for his pain, the scars staining his body and last week he has lifted a sleeve accidentally and Hoseok has noticed, he hasn't said a thing though what Jimin was thankful for.

So it was freaking Friday again. Jimin hated Fridays as it meant for the next two days he will be stuck in that shit hole - his house with the people he hated and despised most. The history lesson has ended and he was packing quickly.

"Jimin, please stay after class," Mr. Seokjin raised his voice so Jimin sighed throwing the rest of the books into the backpack then leaning against the desk.

 Seokjin raised his voice so Jimin sighed throwing the rest of the books into the backpack then leaning against the desk

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Thank you so much for your amazing support. What do you think about the chapter and Hobi being there for Jimin? What does Mr. Seokjin want to tell?

Much <3

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