22. Trip

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"I get

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"I get... so... I guess I'll see you tomorrow. Please stay safe," stuttered Jungkook.

"Why are you so worried about me, you barely know me for two days?" Asked Jimin blushing.

"You're cute... I mean.. yeah... bye," Jungkook stormed out of the bathroom leaning against the corridor wall inhaling sharply.

What idiot was he really? Couldn't he act somehow normal around Jimin, even if his senses were playing crazy from longing, love, need, from the memories of kissing every inch of Jimin's body and taking him to the stars and further. Couldn't they be boyfriends walking the corridors hand in hand, cuddling during breaks, sharing sweet kisses, doing all silly couple things, wearing matching shirts and accessories, flirting, talking, going on dates.

You're working on that, he reminded himself ordering his feet to move towards the stairs leading to the basement where he stormed the locker room and began to change quickly, but Junoh came in tossing him a hateful glance.

"What problem do you have with Jimin?" Asked Jungkook catching everyone's attention.

"His doll face, straight A grades, always neatly made homework, him knowing all answers to the teacher's questions, it's sickening, really. I can't look at him without cringing," Junoh laughed sarcastically. "Aren't you just after getting into his pants?" He hissed when Jungkook slammed him against the locker with such impact Junoh winced.

Jungkook's forearm pressing on the boy's throat till he began to give out harsh sounds.

"Are you dreaming about lying Jimin down?" Asked Jungkook when the boy's eyes widened in pure fear. "I'm telling you it won't happen, not even in your imagination."

He let go when Junoh slipped on the floor coughing, but Jungkook ignored grabbing his long sleeved t-shirt disappearing in a stall to change. The boys definitely shouldn't see his tattoos.

"Jimin! Here!"

Jimin slowed his steps, he has just left the library where he has spent the past hour doing all his homework and learning for tests although he really couldn't focus much, so he had spent twenty minutes straight staring out of the windows thinking about Jungkook calling him cute, borrowing him his sweatpants, he was now wearing, about Mr. Jeon cuddling him last night in his bed and his stupid mind has glued Jungkook's pretty face to the faceless image of Mr. Jeon again.

"Jimin!" Taehyung laughed catching his attention back so Jimin blushed running to his car.

"I'm sorry."

"In love much, right? Don't worry he's pretty much the same all the time," Taehyung winked.

Jimin's heartbeat became uneven as what if Mr. Jeon was really so much into him and he was so split between those deep feelings to him and the hopeless crush on Jungkook, who has called him cute. Ah!

Blindfolded by Mr. Jeon (Jikook)Where stories live. Discover now