74. Magic

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Has he really been keeping that knowledge from himself for so long, the reason why he went through that sea of pain was because he didn't want to lose any of them, wanted to keep them both in his life, but has never ever dared to even come to the ...

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Has he really been keeping that knowledge from himself for so long, the reason why he went through that sea of pain was because he didn't want to lose any of them, wanted to keep them both in his life, but has never ever dared to even come to the idea they're the same person.

Was that biggest dream fulfilling so scary he had run, wanted to close himself from the whole world, wanted to cut that longing out of his skin, because Mr. Jeon being Jungkook made it real, him being able to have a man, a lover, a boyfriend, a life partner, a best friend without any borders, and that perspective of total fulfillment was so frightening he has run from himself. When there had been a blindfold between them, Mr. Jeon the one keeping him from Jungkook it was all ok, because it could never happen, never become real. His deepest and most hideous dream has been to love, be loved, please and have pleasure like that, to feel safe and worthy, to be admired, to have someone who won't judge him, will always support him and give him courage, who will love his dance, find him pretty how he is, love him with all his flaws for who he is, because he did. He loved Jungkook like that.

"What?" Asked Jungkook blushing.

"Please let me see you, all of you," whispered Jimin lingering his gaze down his body.

Jungkook blushed more yet moved up on the bed untying his jeans taking them off quickly with his underwear to kneel on the duvet completely bare with flushed cheeks and lowered eyelids not daring to look up at him when Jimin was watching him unable to believe that perfect man was so shy and self cautious, realizing he had needed the blindfold to hide how vulnerable, sensitive and an emotional wreck in front of affection he was. Jimin so stunned as it turned out he had way more courage in showing himself and his body freely.

"Wow," whispered Jimin stretching his trembling hand out to touch Jungkook's chest and feel his rapid heartbeat. "You have really hidden that from me for so long. How could you," Jimin hit his arm lightly leaning in to bite his biceps a bit painfully as Jungkook winced.

"I guess I deserved that," he grinned.

"I'm so so sorry," Jimin freaked out seeing some blood in his teeth marks.

"Shush," Jungkook pulled him to himself when Jimin began to kiss his arm and shoulder muttering apologies. "Hey, a little bite won't kill me," Jungkook chuckled caressing his hair to calm him down.

"I'm so so sorry..."

"Shut that beautiful mouth," Jungkook suddenly fell over his lips flipping him on the mattress pressing him to it, his tongue working so hard it became dark in front of Jimin's eyes, his body throbbing for release when Jungkook was pulling his pants and underwear down between hungry passion filled kisses. Their bodies soft and sticky, burning, gliding along each other when the last pieces of clothing let go leaving them just skin on skin, Jimin's lips so full he had difficulties to catch breaths, his heels digging into Jungkook's lower back when he was trying to grind his length against his abs to find some mercy for that fire.

"Please! Please!" He begged when they pulled away panting madly and Jungkook looked him in the eyes, the sweat raining from his messy curls hitting Jimin's face so deliciously he was stretching his tongue out to catch those drops but Jungkook licked his tongue from all sides still watching him while suddenly pushing inside, in between his butts painfully as it have been damn two months since he had felt that d* right there.

Their gaze never breaking, not even for a second when Jungkook moved his hips slowly like torture, yet Jimin was holding his hair in his fists watching each of his expressions, each twitch of his muscles unable to grasp that perfect sight in front of him. Jungkook's thrusts have never been so slow, yet it was like bathing in magic, that slow passionate way their bodies were filling each other while none wanted to look away not even for a second, Jungkook's hip thrust becoming more rapid and Jimin was holding on, his eyes tearing up from being opened for so long almost without blinking but they were completely lost in that stare falling harder than ever through that burning pain in his lower body he needed to surpass by clenching his teeth and squeezing the sheets, begging for Jungkook to stop and continue until that release came and there was just climbing pleasure, Jungkook's low moans so sexy, his hips rocking inside him in steady hard thrusts his whole body tense from effort, the sweat falling off him mixing with his, their bodies so high struggling to hold that position, Jimin's slippery hands barely able to hold against Jungkook's neck, the spasms between his butts making his whole lower body and legs shiver, some juices to leave his treasures against Jungkook's belly yet he rubbed his tip against it even harder bending along the pillows like a bow closing his eyes to feel hot lips closing on his neck sucking madly.

"More... damn here... more... Ah!" He was yelling, begging, falling without hold, the whole bedroom trembling from the earthquake opening up inside him, throbbing in his skull, bringing each muscle in his body to shaking so madly, holding on for longer was pointless his and Jungkook's body becoming one with the eternity of stars he fell into, levitating in that destructive wave that was still earthquake and salvation, destruction and heaven.

The climax carrying him into new dimensions, lasting longer than ever and he came back with a delay raising his eyes open to see the face he loved the most inches above his, their gazes meeting for a second before Jungkook collapsed onto his body catching in heavy breaths against his neck.

Jimin's body so weak he was barely able to lift his arms yet he began to play with Jungkook's wet hair leaning in to kiss the side of his forehead and stay glued to his skin, both lying still trying to find each other back.

"Thank you," whispered Jimin, his voice so raspy.

Instead of answering Jungkook kissed his neck sucking onto his skin for long moments, both getting lost completely, even more when their lips found each other and they melted like warm vanilla ice cream tongue on tongue. Forever. Endlessly. Forever. Endlessly. On replay.

Thank you so much for your love

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Thank you so much for your love. I really hope you enjoyed the chapter. What do you think about Jimin realizing his own motives and Jikook's first time making love and looking at each other? Next chapter will be the last😭 but I still hope it will be a great final.

Much <3

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