> einundzwanzig < *

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Song For This Chapter: Sleeping With Sirens- Go Go Go


I had agreed to go to watch Kyle play football on the Friday night. I have no idea why because I hate sport but I guess I accepted to support him. I've asked Sophie and Kate to come with me so I wouldn't have to sit alone on the bleachers.

I haven't really talked to them in a couple of weeks because I've either been in the library revising for future exams or having a make out session with Ashton in the store room. I have bruises on my bum from when we were in there and he'd picked me up and held me against a cupboard, a load of toilet roll fell on us, scaring the shit out of Ash, causing him to drop me.

I walk over to my normal lunchtime table where my friends were. They greet me with hey's and hi's. I sit down with my tray of disgusting food- well they call it food- that I bought from the canteen. I asked for the tuna pasta bake but honestly, it looks like cat vomit. Well, it's a good job that I bought a packet of crisps from the vending machine.

"So Tilly, why did Lola have a rage at you earlier?" Sophie asks from beside me.

"Because I told her that maybe if she wore less makeup, she'd look more like a human." I reply simply. Gasps were emitted from her and the rest of the group. "Why's everyone looking at me like I killed a dog?"

"Because you stood up to her. No one has ever dared to do that before." Kate explains.

"Well everyone needs to man up then."

"Tilly, you don't understand. Lola is at the top of the hierarchy, she can turn everyone against you."

"What's the worst she can do?"

Why did I ask that question?

My school life went down hill from that moment on. At first everyone would either ignore me or glare at me. I was fine with that.

It wasn't until the football team- not including Kyle- poured orange juice over me in the corridor, did it start to get to me. I didn't have a spare set of clothes so I had to walk around for the rest of the day smelling like a fruit salad and having black smudges around my eyes. I didn't cry though, crying shows that what she was doing was hurting me, which is wasn't.

The next pranks included them stealing my clothes after gym and putting them on the bleachers all ripped up, filling my locker up with foam and spray painting on my locker. How they did it, I don't know.


"Guess what?" Ashton said quickly through the phone.

"What?" I giggled.

"You have to guess." He huffs.

"You lost your glasses again?"

"Nope, guess again."

"You made more banana bread?"

"I did but no."

"Then I don't know."

"Me and the band are touring Australia with Hot Chelle Rae." He almost squealed.

"That's amazing, for how long?"

"Only a few weeks but the tour starts in about a month so I have to resign from teaching but that's ok." He rambled, obviously too excited to contain it.

"I'm so proud of you Ash."

"Me and the guys are celebrating at Mikey's house tonight if you want to come?"

"Yeah ok, what time do I need to be there?"

"If you can be ready at 5, we can go to my apartment for a bit and then get to Michael's at 7:30?"

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