> sieben <

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Song For This Chapter: Connor Ball- Weightless (Cover)


I walked into school wearing my ugly uniform, I still haven't been told off about my skirt which I'm very happy about.

The Cab, Temporary Bliss was blaring through my earphones as I strided.

I'd like to think I strutted down the corridor but I basically hobbled down it, towards my locker.

"I can't keep touching you like this, if it's just temporary bliss." I sing along, unlocking my locker and cramming in my English folder and getting out my PE kit. Sigh. I actually have to do sport today rather than sitting with Ash.

"The Cab, right?" I turn around to the voice and see an extremely gorgeous girl with long, wavy blonde hair- well damn, don't I look like a sloth compared to her.

"Yeah" I smile.

"I'm Sophie." she smiled sticking her hand out for me to shake.

"Tilly." I grab her hand and slowly shake it before releasing.

"I've not seen you around before, are you new?" she furrows her eyebrows at me.

"I moved last week." I confirm.

"Well that'll explain it" she smiles, showing off her perfectly straight, white teeth.

The bell rings and we make our way to form, it turns out she's in the classroom next to mine so we walk together.

"Well I'll see you around." I smile.

"If you meet me here at lunch you can hang with me and my mates?"

"That sounds nice" I smile and walk into my classroom and sit in my usual seat, next to Kyle.

I kind of zone out of whatever my form tutor was yabbering on about until he dismissed us when the bell rang.

I walked away to PE and started to get changed into my bottle green PE polo shirt with the school's logo on it and a black skort. As I was slipping on my Nike trainers, Miss Cook strolled in and registered us before saying that we are doing hockey today.

I make my way out to the court we were playing on and Miss chose 2 team captains and they took it in turns to pick players and of course, I was last to be picked.

I grabbed a blue bib and pulled it on over my head then picked up a hockey stick.

My team made our way over to our side of the court before the whistle blew and the game had begun. Although I was distracted by Ash walking towards the courts.

The ball came flying over to me and before I even had the chance to hit it away, I was pushed to the ground.

"Foul" Ashton shouted, I looked up to see Ella smirking at me.

"What the fuck was that for?" I shout.

"Tilly language" Miss warns.

"You were in the way of my ball"

I scoff and get up from the floor. I dust myself off and walk away. Who the hell does she think she is?

That bitch needs to learn how to keep hair manicured hands to herself.

I storm off back to the changing rooms not wanting to look at her orange foundation covered face and slug eyebrows that look like 2 burnt tampons stuck to her face.

I shove the door open and sit down on the bench and bury my face in my hands.

Tears slowly run down my face as I sit and wallow in self pity. Why am I even crying?

Gym Teacher ~ ashton irwinOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora