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Song For This Chapter: Catfish And The Bottlemen- Pacifier

I woke up to the sound of my phone blaring out Pierce The Veil's King For A Day, fucking alarm.

My head pounded with every movement I made towards my bathroom. I got my tooth brush my the holder, squeezed some toothpaste onto it and looked up to the mirror. 

I swear I screamed for the whole of Australia. 

Two purple rings circled my eyes and across my nose. I drop the toothbrush into the sink and reached up to check if it was real. The thing is, I don't even remember falling on my face, well I can't really remember anything after Ash tickled me, it's all a blur.

I wince as I prod my bruises with my fingers. For fucks sake, how am I supposd to cover this up? 

"Emily!" I shout, making my headache even worse. 

She came running into my bathroom and stood there gobsmacked.

"How the fuck did you manage that?" she says, as she stifles her giggles.

"Could you please help me cover them up?" 

"Ok, I'll just go get my makeup."

She applies some concealer, that supposedly covers up tattoos, lightly around my eyes. 

After about ten minutes, she's finished and I no longer look like a purple panda.

"Thanks Em, you're a life saver." She smiles before leaving the room.

I pull on my school uniform and race off to school.


I walk over to my locker to see Sophie standing there.

"Where did you go yesterday?" she asks.

"I passed out and went home." 

She grabs me into a bear hug, "Are you ok now though?"

I nod, yes.

"My offer about sitting with me at lunch is still open." she smiles.


The bell rings and we walk across the corridor to our form rooms.

I take a seat at the back of the classroom and pull my phone out of my pocket.


To Tilly Willy:

You still coming round after school? x


I smile at his desperation for me to go to his appartment again.


To That Twat Ashton:

Oui, but only cuz you're making me


By the time he replies, Kyle has taken his seat next to me.


To Tilly Willy:



To Tilly Willy:

Meet me in the staff carpark at the end of school and if anyone questions us just say that our mums are friends and I'm doing a favour or something.


To That Twat Ashton:

K, see you then x


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