> sechzhen <

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Song For This Chapter: Falling In Reverse- Pick Up The Phone


"It's a maybe." I say and Ash's face drops as he climbs off of me and lies down next to me, "I just don't want to endanger your career."

"But you won't, no one has to find out, it can be our little secret." He smirks. "Also, it's not like I actually want to be a teacher. I can quit teaching and focus on the band and most importantly on you."

"Ash," I sigh, "just give me some time to think about it." I suggest and he nods.

We lay there in silence, looking up at the ceiling.

I really like Ash but if he lost his job because people found out that we were dating then I'd feel extremely guilty.

Maybe I should stop drawing on the 'what if's and just say yes.

I'm probably making this a lot harder for myself.

"You know what, fuck it." I break the silence and grab Ash's face with my hands so I can smash my lips against his.

Ash was obviously surprised by the sudden affection as he didn't kiss back for a few moments.

Our lips move together, trying to fight for dominance- which I would inevitably lose.

I felt Ashton's tongue run across my bottom lip and I parted my mouth so he could slip his tongue inside my mouth. Our tongues and lips both danced together in the heated yet passionate kiss. My arms slipped around his neck as his moved to wrap around my waist and pull me forward so our chests had no space between them.

I pulled away with a grin on my face, "Yes." I whisper.

"Yes what?" he asks, obviously confused.

"Yes, I'll be your girlfriend." I smile and Ash grins and pulls me in for another kiss.

However, this one was slow and meaningful which contrasted to our fast, desperate one we shared just a few seconds ago.

This time Ash pulls away and I whine from the loss of contact. He chuckles and lightly pecks my pouted lips.

"What time is it?" He asked.

"7:36" I reply, unlocking my phone to check.

"Shit, I need to go." He says.

"Why?" I question.

"Stupid family game night."

"That's adorable." I giggle.

"You can come if you want."

"Ok, just let me get changed."

"Why? It's nothing special. Sweatpants and a tshirt are fine."

"Yeah, but I don't want to look chavvy." I protest, pulling some jeans out of my wardrobe and walking into the bathroom to change into them.

"Alright let's go." He smiles, dragging me out of the house and to his car. Every time I see his car, it's in an even worse condition. It now has duct tape on the right wing mirror to keep it in place.

We drive for about 15 minutes before pulling up outside a medium sized house with a very well looked after front garden.

"Does your Mum like gardening?" I ask.

"God no, she pays a gardener to do it for her." He chuckles.

He knocks on the door and a boy around 11 opens the door- he's a splitting image of Ash so I'm guessing he's his brother.

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