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Song For This Chapter: Tangled- I See The Light


We had gotten to the point to the film where they're watching the lanterns from the boats and singing 'I See The Light' and I'm silently sobbing because this parts gets to me all the time.

I can't help it, it's so sweet because they realise that their dreams are each other and they nearlly kiss and I just can't.

"Tilly are you crying?" Ashton cooes.

"No, there's just something in my eye." I lie, wiping away my tears.

"That's bullshit."

"No it's not."

Ashton scoffs.

"Fine, this part of the film gets me every time and I just cry because it's just so sweet and cute."

"Arwww, come here" he says opening his arms up, gesturing me to cuddle him.

I nuzzle my head into his chest and cry into his t-shirt. He rubs my back and kisses the top of my head.

After a few minutes, I've calmed down but am still cuddling Ashton because well he wouldn't let me go. He thinks I was bad at the lantern bit, wait till we reach the bit when Eugene/Flynn dies...

"Eugene, no don't die" I sob into Ash's chest.

"It's just a film Tilly" Ashton laughs, I glare at him.

"Just a film my ass, this film is life."

"What about Frozen?"

"That film's overrated." I shrug, "Tangled is so much better."

"You wanna know who Calum would be if he was a Disney princess?" I nod, "Mulan." Ashton bursts into a fit of laughter at his own joke.

"But I thought you said Calum wasn't Asian?"

"He isn't, but everyone teases him about it"

"Well that's just mean."

I look down at my watch and it read 4:30.

"Shit Ash, I need to start making my way home."

His smile falters but he recovers and stands up before sliding on some all black converse and a navy draw string hoodie.

We walk out of his apartment, locking the door, and rode the lift down to ground level. We then walked towards where Ashton's car was parked in the apartment buildings car park. I'm going to put this out there, his car is a pile of shit.

"When was this car even made, the 50s?" I laugh.

"Shut up, it's my baby." he says, hugging the dash board.

"What the hell are you doing?"

"Hugging my baby."

We drove for about 5 minutes before finding where my car was parked.

I unbuckled my seat belt and grabbed my bag from the foot well.

"Thanks Ash, I had a nice time." I smiled.

"You're welcome and I'll see you tomorrow yeah?"

I nod, yes.

"Bye." And with that I got out of his shitty car and walked over to mine, unlocking it and driving back home.

"Mum I'm home" I shout as I walk through the front door.

"She's out" Emily shouted back. She's nearly 20, why hasn't she moved out yet? Or even got a job?

"Thanks" I shout back, before running to the kitchen because Nutella on toast sounds really good right now.

I prepare my feast, adding a bottle of ice tea and a handful of Maoam's.

Three cheers for calorie fests.

I then made my way up to my room and sit on my bed with Pretty Little Liars on. Mike Montgomery though, I mean seriously, 10/10 would bang.

Half way through the episode I was currently watching, my Mum waltzes in and steals some of my Maoams. Bitch did not.

"What the hell man?"

"What? They looked nice" she replied.

"Go get your own"

"Nahh... I have something to tell you" she says almost singing it.

"Which is?"

"Well I looked at my contract for my new job and we're staying here"

"For how long?"

"Permanently Till"

"Are you serious?" I smiled.

"100% baby" she grinned.

"Oh my god" I shout and run over to my Mum and tackle her with a massive bear hug, "thank you so much"

I release her from the suffocating hug still grinning like the Cheshire Cat.

"I'm glad your happy Till," she smiles at me, "anyways, I want to know all the details from your date last night."

"Well it wasn't a date, we're just friends, and I went to see his band perform and then it got really late so I crashed on his couch last night." She doesn't have to know about me getting piss drunk. "Also what did we say about calling me Till?"

"That you don't like it because you are not a cash register" she smirked, "right bedtime for you missy, you have school tomorrow."

"But Mum it's only half ten" I protest.

"Exactly my point." She says making her way over to my door way and closing the door behind her.

"I'm 17 not 7 Mum." I shout

"You'll always be my little 7 year old that enjoyed covering her face in mud whenever we went out" I scowl at that comment. In most outing pictures we have from when I was little, I'm stood in the middle grinning up at the camera with gaps in my teeth, some ugly t-shirt from Gap or somewhere and mud smeared on my face. I have never allowed anyone to see them.

I get back under my duvet and just scroll through twitter, laughing at the common teenager pages. Laughing especially at the tweet that said 'I am a teenager and getting out of bed is one of the hardest challenges of the day.' Which is so true.

My eyelids started to get heavier so I put my phone on charge and placed it on my bedside table before going to brush my teeth and put my retainers in.

I returned to my bedroom and climbed into bed, turned my lamp off and closed my eyes.

I was in the desert corridor outside the PE office when the door opened and there stood Ashton, topless, seductively looking at me. I smirked and backed away from him as he came towards me until my back was pressed firmly against the lockers. He smashes our lips together and they mould together as they move in sync. He pulls away, tells me to jump, which I do and I wrap my legs around his torso and he holds my thighs to keep me up. I open my mouth to let his tongue venture into my mouth but he pulls away, puts me down and walks away, off into oblivion...

I jolted up right and touched my lips because of the loss of contact. It all felt so real. His lips against mine felt amazing even if it was only a dream.

I seriously need to stop these thoughts, he's one of my teachers and it's weird.


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