> siebzehn <

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Song For This Chapter: Ed Sheeran- Photograph


I woke up to the sound of my sister talking obnoxiously loud outside my bedroom door. She's either talking to herself or on the phone with one of her new boy toys. She's probably on the phone, she claims that you get the best reception outside my room in the hallway- honestly, I think she does it to piss me off.

"Emily, would you please shut up, people are trying to sleep." I groaned and my door flung open revealing my sister glaring at me.

"Tilly, would you please shut up, people are trying to make a phone call here." She mocks and storms off after leaving my door wide open.

I guess I'll have to get out of bed to shut my door then.

I then make my way over to my en suite to take a shower.

I shave the necessary places and wash my hair with some shampoo and conditioner from Lush. Before washing my body with some shower gel on a poof.

Poof is a good word...

I get out, dry my body and throw on a random t-shirt and leggings.

What do I do with my hair today?

I blow dry it and put it into a cute fishtail braid.

I decide on wearing a 5sos top that Ash gave to me, black jeans, leather jacket and my timberlands for tonight.

3 hours to kill, let's watch some Spongebob because let's face it, you're never too old for Spongebob.

After 2 hours of Spongebob, I decide to get dressed and put on my makeup.


To Tilly Willy:

I'm hereeeeeee
I don't want to knock on the door bc your sister scares me...


To That Twat Ashton:

I'll be out in a minute :)


I grab my bag and run down the stairs, being careful not to fall, and out of the front door to Ashton's car.

"Hi." I smile.

"Hi" he smiles back before planting a small kiss to my lips.

I don't think I'll ever get over the feeling I get when he kisses me.

He starts the car and we drive to pick the rest of the boys. Luke then Calum and finally Mikey.

The radio was blasting Boulevard of broken dreams and we were all singing along really loudly.

"Guys would you please shut up, you're distracting me." Ash says, his voice raised.

I couldn't help it, I burst out laughing because it sounded like he was telling a class to shut up.

"Sorry sir." I laugh and he scowls as the boys on the backseat join in with laughing.

We arrive at the venue and pile into the building.

The boys set up their instruments as I watch from one of the seats.

Luke, Calum and Michael tuning their guitars whilst Ashton is putting his kit together.

Ashton looks at me and smiles before walking away from his half assembled kit towards me.

He takes a seat next to me and kisses my cheek.

"Once I finish setting my drums up, do you want me to teach you a bit?" He asks and I nod. I've never even held a drum stick, let alone tried to play the drums. I also have no sense of rhythm which might be a problem.

Gym Teacher ~ ashton irwinWhere stories live. Discover now