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Song For This Chapter: My Chemical Romance- Helena


Maths had ended and instead of writing down notes, I just wrote down 'Ashton' and then drew a heart around his name.

This is weird, he's my teacher.

Geography dragged on as we learned about volcanic activity and how hot lava is and shit, to be honest I really just wanted to go to PE- definitely never thought I'd ever say that.

The bell rang and I shot out of the geography classroom, down a set of stairs before finding myself inside the changing rooms once again today. The rest of the girls filed in. the register was taken and I was excused to go help Ashton with whatever.

I literally ran to the staff room and was out of breath by the time I got there. I knocked on the door and then took a step back before it opened. I've learnt from my mistake.

I saw his messy curls, hazel eyes and his dimples and a smile crept onto my face.

"Hey trouble" he says.

"Hi Ash" I smirk.

"It's Mr Irwin to you."

"Whatever Ashton." I flip him off and we walk to the gym because the girls are playing basketball or something.

"So Tilly, I was thinking that maybe you'd like to come see my band play on Saturday night at a little night club thing." he asks.

Is he sort of asking me on a date or something? If he is I'm going to try get his number because I'm not going to remember where this place is.

"Where is this little night club thing?"

"It's near the harbour."

"Where abouts?"

"I can write down the address if you'd like?" No give me your phone number, idiot.

"Knowing me I'd probably lose it."

"Tilly I know what you're doing" Damn it, he's on to me.

"And what am I doing?" I say batting my eyelashes.

"Tilly give me your phone" he says with his hand out, gesturing for me to give him my phone.

"But Sir, I didn't have it out" I giggle.

"Tilly I swear to God, do you want my phone number or not?"

I reach into my blazer pocket, take out my phone and unlock it for him.

We enter the gym and he's still on my phone.

"Ash" I hit his arm, "are you finished with my phone yet?"

"I was ages ago, I was playing Angry Birds." he smiles.

"What the hell man?"

"So you're definitely up for Saturday?"

"Yeah, it'll be fun." I smile, "so what music genre are you guys?"

"You know classical mixed with screamo." he smirks.

"You know, you'd make an excellent Sugarplum Princess."

"How so?"

"Because you're really sweet and Princess material."

"I am not Princess material" his voice rising.

"I think Princess Ashton has a nice ring to it."

"No it doesn't" he shouts.

"It's just a banter Ash, calm down."

The class walk in with Miss Cook (the lesbian PE teacher) and began their warm up whilst me and Ashton were pumping up some basketballs.

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