> vierzehn <

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Song For This Chapter: Mike Dignam- Great Escape


I pulled away smiling.

"Please don't run away now" Ashton mumbles, placing his head on top of mine.

"Don't ruin the moment."

"I'm sorry." he says, pulling his chin away from my head and placing his lips on my forehead.

"You should be" I giggle and jab his sides making him squirm.

"Stop bullying me" he huffs.

"It's just banter." I laugh jabbing him again, "and how is tickling bullying anyways?"

"Physical abuse." he pouts.

"Arw baby, I'm sorry." patting his head.

He grabs my wrist, "stop it, you're messing up my hair." he whines.

"It's a mess anyway. Why don't you get a hair cut?" I say and he shakes his head, "But why? You could donate the trimmings to Michael when his hair finally falls out from dying it so much." I giggle.

"Nah, I'll just buy him a wig." 

"But you could make a wig out of your hair." I pout.

"I like my hair so stop it." he grins and stands up from the bench. "Come on then." he says extending his hand for me to take. 

"Where?" I ask, taking his hand and standing up. 

"That's for me to know and you to find out."

"God I hate surprises." I groan.

"You'll like it," he says and then mumbles "I hope."

We walk back to Ash's car and begin driving.

We drove for about 15 minuts before pulling into the car park of a fancyish looking Italian restaurant.

"Please say you like Italian." he pleads.

"I love Italian food so stop worrying." I say and he grins.

We walk into the restauant, hand in hand.

Ashton confirmed his reservation and we were taken to a table for 2. He pulled my chair out for me and I swear I was going to get diabetes from how sweet he's being.

We ate our food- I had carbonara because carbonara is life and it's delicious.

The bill came and I picked my bag up off of the floor to get money from my purse.

"What're you doing?" he asks.

"Getting money from my purse to pay for my half of the bill." I replied.

"Put your purse back in your bag, I'm paying."

"At least let me pay for my meal." I plead.




"At least let me put a few dollars down as a tip." I pout and Ash shakes his head. "Pretty please with a cherry on top." I sniffle.

"Fine." Ash huffs and I place $5 on the table with a face of success.

We leave the restaurant and go back to his car so he could take me home.

"I don't want you to go." Ash pouts.

"Well I could run inside and pack some things and crash at yours?" I suggest and Ash agrees.

I run up to my bedroom and pack the essentials so I packed my phone charger, makeup, toothbrush and some clothes and a onesie.

My good old Unicorn onesie is literally the best piece of clothing that I own.

If you've never invested in a onesie, I suggest that you do because they are so cozy and warm and oh my god- basically heaven.

We arrived back at Ashton's apartment and as soon as we did, I changed into my onesie.

"Well aren't you adorable." Ashton grinned.

"Well, I try my best."

"Wait hold on, I have a surprise for you." He says holding up one finger and running out the living room and coming  back in a few minutes later in what looked like an orange bear onesie, or maybe it's a fox?

"Can we watch a film?" he asks.

"Yeah, as long as I get to pick." I grin. 

Me being a girl, I chose the only good film on Netflix with Douglas Booth in, LOL.

"Really? A chic flic?" he groaned.

"Shhhh, Douglas is about to come on." I warn and Ash rolls his eyes. "What? He's hot and his cheek bones, oh my fucking god." I drool.

We cuddle on the sofa watching the film, my head on Ashton's shoulder and his arm around my waist.

Miley and Douglas' sex scene comes on and only at this point is it acceptable to say that I want to Miley Cyrus.

The movie ended and Ashton stood up and walked into the kitchen. He came back with a packet of starburst and two glasses of water with ice cubes in.

"We should play 20 questions." Ash said.

"Ok, you ask first then." 

"Middle name?" he asks.

"I hate it but Claire. Favourite film?"

"Pursuit Of Happiness. First concert?"

"I've never been to one unless your little gig counts. Birthday?"

"I can't believe you're a concert virgin. July 7th. Favourite colour?"

"Mint green, which explains the hair" I grinned. "How old were you when you had your first kiss?"

"16" he mumbles, "What about you?"

"It was a dare from when I was about 12. Any siblings?"

"Younger brother and a younger sister. Biggest fear?"

"The dark because I don't know what could be there. So basically I'm afraid of the unknown. Did you always want to be a teacher?"

"Actually no, it's just something that helps pay for things that the band does. Can I kiss you again?"

"Go ahead." and with that, he crashes his lips against mine.

The softness of his lips contrasted with my chapped ones but it still felt amazing.

They moved in sync and I brought my hand up across his chest and into his hair.

He lightly pushed me backwards so I was lying down on the sofa but our lips never left each other. 


This is slightly less than I would normally write but writers block is literally killing me so Im sory that it's so crap.

I've had a crap week so that's why I'm updating now rather than earlier in the week.

I have mock exams coming up and if I don't do well in them then I'll be put down to do the foundation paper for my proper exams next year which is bad because you can only get upto a C in them and I'm aiming to get a B or above in most of my subjects except French bc I am shit at french :)

I'm stressed and tired so yeah, eurgh I gonna stop rambling now.

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