> dreiunddreißig <

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Song For This Chapter: Out Of The Black- Royal Blood


My eyes widen at the sight of the girl. What the fuck?

"Ashton." she says, her voice soft, "there's some girl at the door." She glares at me and steps away from the door as Ash comes towards it.

"Tilly." He breathes.

"Ashton." I say back, still not knowing what to think.

"I swear it isn't what it looks like. " He looks back at the leggy brunette.

"I never said that it did." I say and turn on my heel.

"Tilly wait." Ashton shouts after me.

"What do you want?" I mumble.

"I want to explain."

"Go ahead." I mutter, rocking back and forth on my feet.

"She's my next door neighbor and her kettle isn't working so I've been letting her use mine for the last couple of days." Oh. "Her boyfriend has also been round too." Well don't I feel fucking stupid.

"I'm sorry for jumping to conclusions."

"It's ok." he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me close. "I really missed you." he says and then pressed a kiss onto my forehead.

"I missed you too." Our eyes locked and our lips met for the first time in two weeks.

"You want to come inside?" He says as he pulls away, a smirk playing on his lips.

I nodded and reattached our lips. Ashton lifted me up and I instinctively wrapped my legs around his waist.

I guess you can tell what happened next.


"I should probably go home." I say after we finished watching Maleficent- which is probably my second favourite Disney film.

"Don't leave me again." Ashton pouts, tightening his arms that were wrapped securely around my waist.

"Ashton." I whine, "let go of me." I try to escape his muscular arms with no success.

"Never." He replies whilst lifting me up off the coach and carrying me to his bedroom. Ash drops me down on the bed and crawls on top of me. Trapping me.

"I need to go home Ash."

"But I don't want you to." His bottom lip jutting out, again.

I leaned up and pressed my lips against his pouted ones and pulled away. "I love you Ash but I need to go spend some time with my family."

"You just did for two weeks Tilly, you didn't really talk to me at all during that time." Ash spat, moving away from me. "When I went away, I contacted you almost every day."

"I tried Ash, I didn't have any wifi and then when I did, you were asleep."

"I'm sorry for not being nocturnal." He said, rolling his hazel eyes.

"I'm just going to go if you're going to act like a twat."

I stood up off the bed and picked up my bag. My legs carried me out of his apartment and down the stairs towards my car. He didn't even call after me. Tears began rolling down my face and I just drove away in silence, no music, just the sound of the car's engine and my sniffling.

I got home and walked through the front door. I had stopped crying, but my blotchy red face gave away that I had been. I walked through into the kitchen to get a glass of water and there was my mother. Apron on and cooking dinner. She turned around at the sound of my footsteps.

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