> zwölf <

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Song For This Chapter: Busted- 3am


It was Friday fifth lesson, geography, and we only had ten minutes left of the lesson before we could go home.

The girls were coming round mine after school so we could get ready for the party together.

Just as I was about to write down the answer the last question on subduction, the bell rang so I gathered my things up and literally ran out of the classroom. 

By the time that I made it to my locker, Kate and Sophie were already waiting for me.

The walk to mine only takes about ten minutes and I did happen to notice Ash driving past in his trash can on wheels aka his car.

"Wait was that Mr Irwin?" Kate asked.

"I don't know, but if it was, his car is shit." Sophie laughs, "however I'll let him off because he's hot."

"Isn't he just. A few months back,I saw him taking his jumper and his shirt rose up with it and damn, them abs." Kate says.

The rest of the journey to my house consisted of us talking about how hot we thought Ash was, there was a lot to talk about there.

We arrived at my home and ran up the stairs to my room.

“Jeez, your room is huge.” Kate gasps.

“I know” I laugh.

We all showered (obviously not together, we aren’t like Miss Cook) and ordered a pepperoni pizza.

I was half way through curling Kate’s hair when the doorbell rang. I skipped down the stairs, sliding across the tiled flooring with my fuzzy socks and opened the door.

“One pepperoni pizza for a Tilly Williams?” the sort of geeky delivery guy says.

“That’s me” I smiled handing him the money and taking the pizza box off of him. I closed the front door before running up the stairs and into my room where Sophie had finished my abandoned work, Kate’s hair.

“Pizza is served.” I try say in my poshest British voice but it failed miserably.

“I think I just had a foodgasm.” Sophie says after we’d sort of demolished the pizza.

“Me too” I laugh.

“Me three” Kate joins in.

We finish off getting ready by applying the last bit of makeup, touching up our hair and putting on our heels. Kate and Soph looked amazing and I felt really self-conscious stood next to them as my mum was being an embarrassment and taking photos of the three of us.

“Now remember Till. Don’t take drugs, drink too much because I really don’t want to unblock the toilet of your vomit again and don’t associate yourself with any boys. But other than that, have fun and do whatever teenagers do at parties.” My Mum says as she drives us to Tom’s house. “Do you need picking up?”

“No, I’m crashing at Sophie’s” I lie, she’d never let me crash at Tom’s.

“Ok, bye, stay safe.” She shouts as we exit her car.

“Jesus Christ, she’s so embarrassing.” I cringe.

“She’s nowhere near as bad as my mum, don’t worry.” Kate laughs. “Right, I’m gonna go get smashed, so laters.”

I walk through the different rooms trying to find the kitchen so I can get a drink. I find it and pour myself a cup of vodka mixed with some coke and down it before pouring myself another.

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