#5. Promises

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I only headed back home when the sun was setting.

And for some reason I felt nothing...

It was like I was numb.

I didn't want to loose my mother, she was always there for me, and now it was my turn to be there for her.

I unlocked the front door and walked in my mother was sitting on the couch and on the other couch sleeping soundly were Layla and Collin.

Without a single utter of words, I walked over to the couch where Layla and Collin were sleeping and picked Collin up carefully so I didn't wake him up.

I carried him up the stairs and then laid him down on his ship bed and covered him up before leaving the room.

After I had tucked both Collin & Layla in bed, I headed back downstairs where Lilianna and my mom were.

" Promise me", My mom said suddenly scaring the living daylights or nightlights out of me.

" What?", I asked her.

" That before I die you will have a stable job, a good place to live, friends to help you out, and a family of your own. That's all I wish".

My eyes watered by the time she had finished her sentence.

" Of course mom, I promise".

" Take Lilianna and go get some rest we are moving to the new house early in the morning. You need to be well rested".

I nodded before taking Lilianna and heading  upstairs to our shared bedroom.



Layla's room above and...

Lilianna and Rowan's room!

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Lilianna and Rowan's room!

Also sorry that the chapter is really short, I had to go somewhere so I wanted to post another chapter before leaving.

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