#16. Mafia ball part #2

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I quickly avoided eye contact with him because it was considered disrespectful.

But it didn't matter anyway for the fact that people started dancing.

A tall young man with blonde hair and green eyes walked over to me and bowed.

" May I have this dance?", he asked me with a dazzling smile.

" Of course", I giggled as he gently grabbed my hand and led me through the ballroom.

He put his hands on my waist and I put my hands on his shoulders, and then we started dancing to the music that was blasting through out the ballroom.

" What's your name?", he asked.

" Rowan, what is your's?"

" Ashton", he replied before adding yet another dazzling smile, that made my heart speed up.

" How old are you?", I asked Ashton.

" What is this Ro? A police interview?!", Ashton exclaimed making me laugh.

I smiled and used my free hand to tap my chin as if I was thinking.

" I don't know maybe".

He chuckled. " I'm 18".

" I'm 17".

We both smiled at the same time and then burst out laughing for no reason and we were laughing hard!

" Oh my gosh, you're one of a kind", he told me as he wiped away his happy tears from laughing so hard.

" I know!", I laughed making him laugh again.

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