# 17. Viral

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I woke up the next day feeling happy and refreshed because I had made a new friend that, agrees with the same things I do.

We were like twins...

Well..kind of but you get the point!

I had stayed at the ball for five hours before I had to go home because I had school the next day which is where I am headed now.

I drove into the parking lot of my school and parked in the front row because I don't want anyone damaging my car.

As soon as I got out of the car, I was tackled by  Addison, Emma, Darla, Dayton and Ashton. It took me off guard and I accidentally punched Ashton in the jaw...

" OUCH!", he yelped in a mocking voice making both sets of twins start laughing their arses off.

" You saw the video of Rowan punching Dominic?", giggled Emma.

" Of course! It's like viral now!"

' Oh you have got to be kidding me right now!', I thought inside of my head.

" That is so cool!", Emma, Addison, Darla and Dayton exclaimed all together.

I shook my head before rolling my eyes.

I swear they are all going to be the death of me!

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