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I was listening to my new best friends as they talked about random things when suddenly I got a text from an unknown number.

And me being well me, I just had to open up the text that would change my life forever.

( A/N The words in bold are the text message)

UNKNOWN: Hello Rowan, I'm your father

ROWAN: Uh I'm sorry I think you have the wrong number

UNKNOWN: Oh I know I do have the right one Rowan Bridget Evans

ROWAN: What do you want from me?!

UNKNOWN: You get straight to the point just like your mother

ROWAN: Just tell me what do you fucking want with me!

UNKNOWN: Fine, if you don't show up to this mafia ball, I will kill your mother brother, sister and adopted sister

ROWAN: Fine I will go! Just don't hurt them!

UNKNOWN: Wise choice Rowan. Get a floor length dress, also it is tonight. Time is ticking away

And just like that I found out about my dad, and well it looks like I have a lot of things to do before 6pm, and that's only 3 and half an hour away!

But I knew I had to it for My mom




and everyone else that is close to me.

I was not going to loose another important person in my life!

Not if I can help it!

All Of These Sins (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now