Cloak & Dagger

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City Main Market

0830 Hours

Third Person Pov

"Violet, remember do not engage them. It is infiltration."

"Yes Sir." The emotionless girl responded while wearing a formal dress.

"Here. Hold my hand and do not act I am your Commander."

He order and the girl take the man's hand. Both walk out of the alley and into the huge crowd in the middle of the city.


Azur Lane Headquarter

Commander Office

1011 Hours

Third Person Pov

"Where is the Commander?"

The Dragon Empery girls ask out. Noticing the missing presence of the male. Cleveland looks around too and notices it too.

"Yeah, there is he?" Cleveland looks over to Wales, knowing the Prince knows where Y/n is.

"After last night. Commander chooses to check the Sakura Empire Base."

"What!?" Hornet yells in confusion.

"I had the same reaction. However, he has two of our maids with him."

"Who?" Enterprise asks.


akura Empire Base
Port 1

1200 Hours

Third Person Pov

"You sure nobody will notice it?"

A restless maid asks the hooded person. "Perhaps." He answered and put bandages around his face to cover it.

"But! You will get captured if they see you!"

"Do not worry. I have work Cloak and Dagger espionage before. Sheffield, look after her."

"Of course Master."


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Azur Lane Anotherworlder Commander [Male Reader] [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now