What Does Love Mean?

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Dining Room

0902 Hours

Third Person Pov


Violet in more casual clothes, pajamas than her dirty green uniform. Tugging his sleeve and he stops reading the newspaper.

"Need something? Is the breakfast bad?"

"No Sir. It tastes good."

"Then what is it, Violet?"

He puts the newspaper down and smiles at her. Then Violet asks something out of context. Making his smile slowly fade away.

"What does love mean?"

Azur Lane Headquarter
Commander House

0801 Hours

Third Person Pov

"Oh my."

Belfast looks in quite a bit shock by the sight. The Commander and Enterprise cuddling together on the bed.

She just walks inside the bedroom and opens the curtains. Then she sees them laying together. At first Belfast smile for Enterprise's success and her first move done.

But Belfast frowns to herself. Their Commander, her Master Y/n is probably and will be together with Enterprise.

The head maid supports Enterprise as much she can, but honestly. She also wants to be with Y/n.

Was it because she likes him?

Because she actually loves him?

Nobody even, herself does not know it. But, if it is love. Belfast wants him Y/n to be happy and the same with Enterprise.

Both have a sorrowful past. Enterprise carries the frontlines against the Sirens and her older sister Yorktown was destroyed and almost dead.

Y/n with more than just a sorrow past. His past has worse than any shipgirls. Sure they have each other and fight for the same thing, but Y/n fought something worse.

He fought because his country needed him and what did that follow him into? A bad, very bad thing.

War crimes broke more than Anakin Skywalker could ever do. Using the bad methods and keep saying it is only the path he could take.

Was that the reason Belfast just want him to be happy? Yes, she would blindly throw her life away if that is needed.

She has felt happier than ever before since he arrived. She means the Anotherworlder has a special aura around him and makes everyone feel the same things he does.

If he is happy, then others are happy. If he is sad, then others are sad. Easy explanation and sounds logical.

He makes her feel more than a maid. Nobody really knows how many burdens you need to carry as a head maid and Y/n just lifted them by giving her the one-time cup filled with tea for her.

Azur Lane Anotherworlder Commander [Male Reader] [DISCONTINUED]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin