Her Cooking

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1756 Hours

Third Person Pov

"Sorry, Sir,"

Violet said to Y/n. Showing the burning kitchen behind her and the male's jaw dropdown.

"I do not know how to cook."

Azur Lane Headquarter
Medical Wing
Room 007

1128 Hours

Third Person Pov

"How is he?"

"I do not honestly. With Enterprise's energy arrow through him, nothing can tell afterward. Following the human body. Nobody can survive it. However, Y/n is not a normal human."

"I know. He is an Anotherworlder."

"Yes, but also this." Vestal shows Belfast a report scan she has taken on him and the head maid wide-open her eyes from the results.

"His DNA string has changed to a shipgirl ones?"

"I maybe have an idea how. The time he healed Yorktown. The Wisdom Cubes he touches. He consumed them and gave them to Yorktown. But he also left something in himself then moment everything exploded. That could be the reason the place went boom and the hair. He overused his abilities."  Vestal explained to Belfast. The maid takes a moment to think.

"Maybe the others should not know that for now, maybe later." Belfast gives the report back to Vestal and walks out.

"But I will inform the others about his condition and he maybe will not awaken soon." Belfast left the room.

Vestal sighs to herself and looks over to the Commander in a coma. Seeing the Manjuus cleaning his face.

The repair ship walked out and leaves the two Manjuus to wash Y/n's face alone. As a spark of blue electric forms his hand.

Azur Lane Headquarter
Commander Office

1145 Hours

Third Person Pov

"Day five and Y/n still sleeping."

Cleveland hung her head down and look outside from the window. Wales sighs and continues to do the paperwork.

"Y/n will wake up. We all know that."

Yorktown tries to light up the mood in the office, but it makes it more down as Hornet tips her hat up.

"Big sis, if that was the truth. Then why is Enterprise not here?"

Hornet points the obviously out. Enterprise was not been seen or heard since after they came back and everyone knows the reason.

Azur Lane Anotherworlder Commander [Male Reader] [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now