Sad Truth

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1339 Hours

Third Person Pov


Violet's voice rings in his ears and the Commander looks up from the gravestone.

"Yes, Violet?"

"Will Captain Rex come back? He can not work down there."

"Hmmm." The Commander stands up and takes Violet's hand. Slowly walking away from the gravestone while Violet keeps asking.

"Sir, Captain Rex will come back right?"

The man just grunts and both leave the graveyard. For the first time, Violet experiences someone dead close to her.


Azur Lane Headquarter
Meeting Room

0901 Hours

Third Person Pov

A day has passed since the weird episode of Enterprise's yelling to herself. Y/n has noted himself and to keep more eye on her.

He talked Belfast about it but did not seem to notice anything about her, so it could be a one-time thing.

The Commander, hope so and thought they could do a Star Wars marathon with her. Belfast and the others of course join too and they all met at the meeting room, Y/n just discovered.

"What is Star Wars?" Cleveland pokes her head to Y/n crouching down to a DVD player. "A franchise about the chosen one." He answered and slap the Phantom Menace in the DVD player.

"And why am I here for?" Enterprise asks him. Standing behind them with her arm crossed and giving a dominant look.

"To relax and learn about the great things I have traveled across to here. It will take about a week if we take breaks."

"Oh? How long are they?" Columbia stops texting on her phone.

"Well, we will watch two films today." Y/n sweatdrops, remembering how the Clone Wars series are. So it probably will take more than a week.

"Forget how long! Let us watch it now!" He slams the remote and Phantom Menace starts.

Azur Lane Headquarter
Commander Office

1303 Hours

Third Person Pov

Today's movie marathon passed and everyone has quickly taken by surprise by the masterpiece of George Lucas Phantom Menace and Attack of the Clones.

Especially Cleveland-class and Long Island. They beg to watch the other ones, but the answer was no. Y/n however, gave them some games for them to play as his Gates have treasures of everything. As it is a bootleg version of Gate of Babylon.

Azur Lane Anotherworlder Commander [Male Reader] [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now