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Living Room

1212 Hours

Third Person Pov

The Commander is watching the TV as Violet plays with her teddy beside and sees a grey bunny man eating a carrot.

"What's up Doc."

Y/n laughs and Violet stare at the cartoon character for a short moment. Before, tugging his arm.

"Sir? Can I get a bunny?"

Azur Lane Headquarter
Commander Office

1412 Hours

Third Person Pov

Y/n, the Anotherworlder is sitting on his desk. Writing yes and no the papers requested. The four squad shipgirls are visiting him and playing a board game on the couch while he finishes his work.

"Commander! How long are you going to do your paperwork? I want to see Looney Toons now."

"Soon Javelin, I have four left."


"Laffey tired. Laffey wants to sleep."

"Then go on. It is all right if you sleep here."

"Thank you Comma-" Laffey is already asleep before, she could finish her sentence and Ayanami walks over to him.

"Headpat again?"


Commander smiles and drops his pen for a moment and gives the IJN demon her favorite thing from him. Headpat.

"Hey! Javelin that is cheating!" Z23 jumps up from her seat and points at Javelin like she is caught in the act.

"Really? Did Commander see it?"

"No. But still!"

"Hahaha no! No still, nothing! If Commander did not see it, then it was not cheating!"

Javelin laughs and Z23 puts her beret down for a moment and throws the board game over the table.


"What? Commander did not see. So nothing happened."

"You dare to use my own spell against me, Potter!"

"Do not use Harry Potter memes on me!"

"Never!" Javelin screams at Z23 and both begin to chases each other. Laffey then sleepwalks and drops down in front of Javelin.

Making her fall and quickly Z23 too. The two groans in pain and Laffey snores.

The Commander sigh and takes Ayanami up to his chest and walks over to the three others.

Azur Lane Anotherworlder Commander [Male Reader] [DISCONTINUED]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora