Distance Past

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Admiral Office

0902 Hours

Third Person Pov

"Why am I here Admiral?"

A tall jet-black-haired man asks his superior officer. The bald Admiral just nods, ignoring the Commander, and opens the door.

"L/n, you are promising Commander for our Navy. Unfortunate, we do not need our Navy that much in this war."

The bald Admiral sits down on his chair. Taking two glasses out and pour some alcohol into them.

The Commander keeps standing and looks outside the window. Mostly listening to his superior. But ignore the compliments on him.

"We are at war against our neighbor country. Not in water or sea. That is why the high-ups and I have chosen to transform you into a special unit."

The Admiral holds the glass of alcohol to the Commander and he put his hand up.

"No thanks, Admiral. Please cut the talk short."

"Hmm, marvelous L/n. More drinks to me." Admiral smiles to himself and places a file on his desk. Gesturing the Commander to take it.

"The special unit will be in three men. Captain Rex from 501st battalion and her." Admiral tab his desk and subordinate come out from another door. Holding a chained girl around the collar.

"Wh-!" The Commander runs over to the subordinate and push him away. Taking the collar chain from him and tries to unlock it.

"Not a normal military gig. We high-ups know that. But she is an extremely dangerous little girl."

"Dangerous? She at least looks ten years old Pixis."

The Commander glared at the laughing Admiral while holding the girl close to him. The girl confusingly pokes his cheek and the Commander smiles at her.

"Hello there."


The Commander stands up again and Pixis smirks. Holding a document in hands to the Commander.

"Sign it Commander. And she is ours."

"Before I do that. I want my own things added on."

"Do tell me."

"If I take her. I need one more month liberty pass and of course, she will have it too."

"Deal." The Commander signs the document and gives it back to Pixis. Taking the girl's hand as both walks out. The Admiral leans down on his chair and calls the Commander out before he walks out.

"Remember Y/n. She is dangerous."

The Commander named Y/n flip a bird at Pixis and leave him inside the office with his bottle.

Military Placement

0912 Hours

Azur Lane Anotherworlder Commander [Male Reader] [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now