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Alright then, soon my exam will be up, and with it, my anxiety will also go up.

How the hell can I keep a calm face in front of Bismarck and the others?!

No...just calm yourself Hood, breath deep...and let it out.


Ok, just go through with the plan, if it doesn't work, then go with the next one...let's do this!
Peter: Hmm...

Spee: Something wrong?

Peter: No, just wondering something

Z26: What would that be?

Peter: That student there, she seems to have experience with leading

Spee: It does look that way

U-556: What are you guys talking about?

Peter: The current tester, I believe her name is Emilia...Gaje?

Bismarck: That's correct Peter, but what do you mean experience?

Peter: She's not hesitating when she commands, almost like she's use to this setting

The ships watch Hood closely, noticing how serious she looked, albeit a bit sweaty, most likely from nervousness.

Z26: She looks capable

Bismarck: She is capable, I walked and discussed with her on the way here

U-556: She better not have done anything to lord Bismarck

Bismarck: U-556...I know what you're thinking, she didn't do anything

U-556: Good

Bismarck just sighed and continued to watch Hood go through her plans. Out of all the students, she was the only one currently that didn't suffer a casualty, instantly giving good marks in her book.

Just next to her, a simulated ship blew up, launching debris and smoke everywhere.

Bismarck: Thank god the siren research allows this type of damage to come without consequence

Bismarck simply watched as the woman staggered out of the flames, cuts lining her face and a few tears in her uniform. These were common, but the test has thankfully never killed someone.

Bismarck: Wait...

Emilia stood tall with the flames dancing around her, her form bringing back memories Bismarck never wanted to see again.

Emilia was replaced by Hood, as if she was always there.

Bismarck: Hood...

Spee: Did you say something lord Bismarck?

Bismarck:'s nothing

They continued to watch Emilia's performance. When she was finished, they looked at each other, already knowing her score.

Bismarck: Now then, Emilia Gaje!

Hood turned to Bismarck and waited to hear the results of her work.

Bismarck: Today you have shown your prowess in commanding and preserving your allies lives!

Hood had heard this response already, but only for the better students.

Bismarck: Your planning and tactical prowess have been put to the test, and you came out on top with minimal casualties

This was something Hood hadn't heard before...could that mean?!

Bismarck: Emilia Gaje, you pass with flying colors! Congratulations!

Hood's face brightened instantly, while the students behind her cheered for her victory.

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