What Lady Luck Desired

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Hood: I guess it's finally time huh?

Enterprise: Are you nervous? He's a calm man so don't freak out too much

Hood: That's not why I'm worrying, it's more because of who's staring at my back

Enterprise looked over her shoulder and saw the few Royals on the base staring at Hood in complete shock.

Enterprise: I guess so...should we-

Hood: Yes, I'm getting scared for my life

Enterprise opened the door and let Hood pass first. The inside of the office wasn't the most glamorous like Hood's office, but it definitely felt comfortable for anyone who entered.

?: Welcome, it's a pleasure to meet the Pride of the Royal Navy

Hood saw a young man sitting at the desk in the back of the room, and it was obvious he was the commander.

Hood: It's a pleasure to meet you Commander...AirSpark?

The man chuckled

?: That's my code name, even if everybody calls me that. My name is Doodzki Fernandez, but feel free to call me AirSpark

Hood: Then I hope you're fine with that

AirSpark: It's no trouble. Now before we continue, is there anything you want to hear?

Hood: Well...I just have a small request

AirSpark waved his hand, letting her go on.

Hood: If possible, can I stay with the Union and not the Royals?

Enterprise: Are...are you sure? They've been ecstatic to see you again

Hood was about to speak, until she let the words sink in.

Hood: Can you...can you run that by me again?

Enterprise: They've been excited to see you?


Hood: Well...that changes thing a bit

AirSpark: I'm sure you had problems coming all the way here without weapons, and now with a missing eye...take a seat and get comfortable since we may be chatting for a while

Hood: I will...thank you

AirSpark: And Enterprise, can you keep our visitors away?

Enterprise raised an eyebrow, before AirSpark pointed at the door to reveal several pairs of eye peeking through

Javelin: We've been spotted! Run away!

She dragged Unicorn along with her, leaving Belfast and Illustrious behind.


Hood:*sigh* Today is going to be a long day

AirSpark: I can see if we have alcohol to soothe you later?

Hood: Please...

Eugen: I'm not entirely sure this is the best idea Bismarck

Bismarck: And you think I care?


Bismarck: Exactly, now keep quiet. You wanted to come with me, so now you have to deal with it

Eugen sighed to herself, wondering just what happened in the past few hours. Bismarck all but forced Graf Zeppelin to take her as close as she could to the Pacific, and from there she was sailing straight into the heart of Eagle Union territory in the Pacific, Pearl Harbor.

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