Time Only Festers

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Hood: Phew! That took some time

Hood stood proud at the entrance to her office, as she just cleaned the room. Every wooden surface was sparkling and the windows were near invisible.

Hood: Hmph, there's a reason I was always the one who cleans

She grabbed the cleaning supplies, making sure everything is washed up, confirming it, she took them to the closet.

Hood: I wonder when Bismarck will come back, I have to talk to her about Euge-


Bismarck: Kommandantin, I wish to speak...with you...

She opened the door without hesitation, and was meet with an empty room.


Eugen: Can you move aside? I can't see

She moved to the side without a second thought.

Eugen: Where's the kommandantin? She's supposed to be here right?

Bismarck: Eugen...she's at your feet

She stared at Bismarck like she was crazy, before looking and finally noticing the lump mixed in with the cleaning supplies.


Eugen: Huh...

The two set to work cleaning up the spill, until the bucket covering her head was the only thing left.

Eugen grasped it, but she hesitated

Eugen: Come on Eugen, this will be the first time you actually see this Hood lookalike, you can't get cold feet now!

She lifted the bucket up, finally exposing the unconscious woman.

Eugen: What?!

Bismarck: What's wrong?!

Eugen dropped the bucket, as she just stared at Hood in disbelief.


Bismarck: What is it?

Eugen: You can't go up to me and tell me that this isn't Hood

Bismarck:*sigh* We've been over this-

Eugen: Yeah, and my point still stands! This can't be anyone other than Hood!

Bismarck: Eugen! Hood is dead! Gone!

Eugen: Can you believe yourself right now?! LOOK AT HER! She's an exact replica!

Bismarck: You were there Eugen! You saw what happened!

Eugen: Of course I remember! You were the one who killed her!


Bismarck took a deep breath, before she left the room, slightly slamming the door behind her.


She looked down at Hood, gently picking her up.

Eugen: I think I went to far with that...verdammt

She took Hood over to her room, the same room that's always their Kommandant's. The inside wasn't the most luxurious, but it was cozy, which was more than enough.

She set Hood down on the bed, and placed her cap on the nightstand.

Eugen:*sigh* Rest well, Kommandantin.

She made sure Hood was secure and safe before she left the room.

Eugen: I want to believe that she's Hood, they look the same, they nearly dress the same...goddamnit they even act the same from what Bismarck told me!

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